A Whitley Bay hotel is saving more than £1,000 a year thanks to an energy saving grant scheme.
The Business Energy Saving Team (BEST) project, which is delivered jointly by local authorities in the region including North Tyneside Council, helps businesses save money by identifying ways to cut back on the amount of energy they use.
One business to benefit is 3NB Ltd, the team behind Stay Coastal – a seven-suite boutique hotel in Whitley Bay which opened its doors in August.
As part of the building’s refurbishment, owners Anna Fisher, Debbie Dorans and Jacqui McGuire have invested in ensuring the accommodation is as energy efficient as possible.
Jacqui was introduced to the BEST programme through North Tyneside Council’s Regeneration and Economic Development team.
She said: ‘‘BEST came along to our hotel and carried out an energy audit for the whole building. They advised on upgrading the gas boiler and water heating system which would save us around £1,200 each year.
“Once we had the quotes for the upgrade and building works, we were able to access grant support from BEST to make the improvements we needed.’’
Cllr Bruce Pickard, Deputy Mayor and North Tyneside Council’s cabinet member for Business, said: “It’s great to see local businesses like Stay Coastal take their responsibilities towards the environment seriously and save money at the same time.
“I’d urge any eligible business in the borough to get in touch with us and see how the scheme could benefit them too.”
Cllr Carl Johnson, cabinet member for Environment and Transport, added: “As a council we are committed to reducing the borough’s carbon footprint through our declaration of a climate emergency and schemes like this are a positive step towards helping us achieve our aims.”
Funded through ERDF (European Regional Development Fund), BEST is available to help businesses improve their energy efficiency and reduce costs across North Tyneside as well as Newcastle, Northumberland, Gateshead and Sunderland.
The energy audit was carried out Phil Noval, Senior Building Services Specialist at Blyth based Narec Distributed Energy, providing the free service on behalf of BEST.