Review of North Tyneside Council Cumulative Impact Assessment of Licensed Premises

Consultation details

North Tyneside Council are undertaking the 3 year review of the Cumulative Impact Assessment.

The Assessment sets out to establish whether the number and concentration of licensed premises in the area continues to adversely affect the promotion of the licensing objectives such as the prevention of crime and disorder.

The statutory process requires the draft Cumulative Impact Assessment to be consulted on prior to it forming part of the Statement of Licensing Policy. Officers have prepared a draft document which includes the statistical evidence from Northumbria Police.  There is no proposed change to the current cumulative impact areas.

The document will be consulted on for 6 weeks and  views will be sought on the assessment and the two highlighted areas. This will also be an opportunity for respondents to provide further evidence on new areas or to provide comments on the proposals.

Take part in the survey

Documents and reports

Contact details

Joanne Lee
0191 6432175

Consultation period
