Don’t lose your voice - residents in North Tyneside are urged to look out for their voter registration details from North Tyneside Council
Local residents are being warned not to lose their voice on decisions that affect them by making sure their electoral registration details are up to date.
The annual canvass ensures that North Tyneside Council can keep the electoral register up to date, identifying any residents who are not registered so that they can be encouraged to do so. They would then be able take part in any future elections.
People who have moved recently are particularly encouraged to look out for the voter registration letters from North Tyneside Council and check the details.
There is a lot of helpful information about registering to vote on the Electoral Commission website https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/i-am-a/voter.
Any residents who have any questions can contact their local registration team at 0191 643 2270.