Bestselling crime fiction author Danielle Ramsay will give a talk on 19th century African American writers, Harriet E Wilson and Harriet A Jacobs, and abolitionist writer, Harriet Beecher Stowe, as part of Black History Month.
Danielle’s PhD research: The three Harriets: Signifyin(G) sisters, explores the lives and work of two nineteenth-century African American female writers and a female Caucasian abolitionist writer, to whom President Lincoln attributed the Civil War following her novel, ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’. All named Harriet, each of the three women were mothers who wrote to expose the ills of slavery both in the North and South of America.
Danielle’s own grandfather’s experience as a black man and soldier prompted her research into the three women. John Mayes Ramsay: Danielle’s grandfather’s undocumented story is that of a black Scottish soldier, sacrificed and left behind after the evacuation of Dunkirk to hold back the Nazi invasion. His personal history demonstrates sheer human perseverance and heroism in the face of great struggle. Alongside her discussion of the female writers, Danielle’s personal family history: her grandfather’s story, will form part of her talk.
The talk will take place at Whitley Bay Library, on Thursday 27 October 2022 at 2:30pm.
The event is free, but booking is essential. Refreshments will be available.
To book your place, please call (0191) 643 5390 or contact any North Tyneside Library. To book online, click here.