Update of Cycling Strategy and Design Guide

Consultation details

We are seeking people’s views on the updated draft North Tyneside Cycling Strategy.

The updated strategy sets a new target for an annual increase in cycling trips of 10 per cent, increased from seven per cent in the existing strategy. This follows continued investment in the cycling network, expansion of Bikeability cycle training in schools and increased popularity of initiatives such as the annual Summer of Cycling. It reflects the council’s wider aims set out in the North Tyneside Transport Strategy (updated 2021), North Tyneside Local Plan and Our North Tyneside Plan.

The draft Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP), which is an appendix to the updated strategy, is a detailed review and assessment of strategic cycling routes across the borough and links for walking and wheeling in town centres. The government encourages local authorities to prepare an LCWIP to attract and prioritise funding for active travel improvements.

The draft North Tyneside Cycling Design Guide, first adopted in 2018, is a more technical document which sets out design standards for cycling provision. This has been updated to take account of relevant government guidance, known as Local Transport Note LTN1/20 ‘Cycle Infrastructure Design’, introduced in 2020.

Consultation on any specific planned works will be carried out separately as appropriate, when funding to deliver the works is secured.

The updated draft Cycling Strategy seeks to support everyday cycling and make it easier for people to use healthy, sustainable and affordable ways to travel. It will support the council’s ambition to take steps and seek investment to become carbon net zero by 2030.

We would like to hear your comments on the documents and your suggestions for any subjects which should be added or covered in greater detail.  Please follow the link below.

Contact details

Cycling Strategy and Design Guide
(0191) 643 6114

Related websites

Consultation period
