Housing Letting Policy Review

Consultation details

North Tyneside Council is consulting on some proposed changes to the Lettings Policy including strengthening the criteria of the bandings, which is the priority level assigned to applicants based on their individual needs, and monitoring applicants in the highest bandings to ensure they are actively applying for homes.

Our Lettings Policy was last reviewed in 2021 and currently demand for council homes in North Tyneside has never been higher. With more than 3,600 applicants on the Housing Waiting List and fewer than 100 homes empty and available to be let, demand far outweighs the housing supply in North Tyneside. Therefore we regularly review our Lettings Policy to ensure we prioritise those with the greatest need to apply for homes suitable to their needs and we make the best use of our council homes, which are in short supply.

We would welcome your views on the proposed changes to the Lettings Policy.

Take part in the survey

Contact details

Rachel Sanderson Housing Policy Officer
0191 0345 2000 101

Consultation period
