St Johns Church Killingworth Village Killingworth - APPLICATION NO: 24/01635/FUL

St John The Evangelist Church is applying for planning permission for Construction of a new porch on the north facade of the church to form level access and accesible wc along with a single standard wc.  A new opening will be created in the existing church wall, utilising an existing stone arch, and the small stained glass window that will need to be removed will be re-inserted into the east wall of the new porch.

It is considered that the development proposed may affect the character or appearance of a Conservation Area. The property is a listed building.

The submitted plans and associated documents are available to view on the Council’s Planning website at  If you wish to make representations about the application you should do so in writing within 21 days(excluding bank holidays) of the publication of this notice to the Planning Service at the address shown at the end of this notice.

Dated: 9 January 2025

Head of Law and Monitoring Officer, North Tyneside Council
Quadrant East, The Silverlink North, Cobalt Business Park
North Tyneside. NE27 0BY