Exemptions, discounts and reductions


If any of the circumstances listed below apply to your property you may be entitled to an exemption:

Property exemptions
Class Dwelling type
B dwellings owned by a charity and unoccupied for a period of less than 6 months
D dwellings left empty by persons in detention
E dwellings left empty by patients in hospital or care homes
F dwellings left empty by deceased persons where no probate has been guaranteed
FPG dwellings left empty by deceased persons for a period of less than 6 months after the date on which grant of probate of letters of administration are made
G dwellings whose occupation is prohibited by law
H empty clergy houses which are vacant awaiting occupation by a Minister of Religion
I dwellings left empty by persons receiving care other than in a hospital
J dwellings left empty by people providing care
K dwellings left empty by students where the liable person is a student who used to live in the property concerned
L dwellings repossessed by a mortgagee
M halls of residence provided predominantly for students
N dwellings occupied only by students
O armed forces barracks, messes or married quarters
P dwellings occupied by visiting forces
Q dwellings where the liable person is a trustee in bankruptcy
R pitch or mooring which is not occupied by a caravan or a boat
S dwellings occupied solely by persons under 18 years of age
T unoccupied annexes
U dwellings occupied solely by persons who are severely mentally impaired
V dwellings occupied by persons and their relatives entitled to Diplomatic Immunity
W dwellings which are part of a single property, occupied by relatives of a person who is liable for Council Tax in another dwelling, that is her/his sole or main residence

If you wish to apply for any of the above or require advice or assistance please contact us.


If you meet any of the following criteria, please complete our online form:




Able to supply a completed apprentice certificate form (available below) which must be signed and stamped by the employer of the apprentice or supply a copy of the employment contract be attached showing the start and end date of the apprenticeship, income earned is no more than £195.00 per week and confirmation the apprentice is employed for the purpose of learning a trade, business, profession, employment, or vocation and is undertaking a programme of training leading to a qualification accredited by the Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency.




The carer must supply care for at least 35 hours per week. The person they care for must not be a spouse, partner, or child under the age of 18 years old. The person receiving care must be in receipt of one of the following benefits. and able to send in proof of the benefit with the application.




Attendance Allowance,


the Highest or Middle Rate of the Care Component of Disability Living Allowance.


Income Support where the appropriate amount includes a disability premium.


An increase in Disablement Pension due to requiring constant attendance.


An increase in Constant Attendance Allowance due to severe disablement.


Full-time student


A full-time student is a person studying for at least 24 weeks of the year. If the student is under 20 years old, they must be studying for at least 12 hours per week. If the student is 20 years old or over, they must be studying for at least 21 hours per week. A student certificate issued by the student’s college or university must be attached the application form confirming the student is a full-time student.


A student’s foreign spouse/dependant


The foreign spouse/dependant must live in the same property as a qualifying student and be prevented, by the terms of the spouse/dependents leave to enter or remain in the UK, from taking paid employment or from taking claiming benefit. A copy of the visa for the spouse/dependent, issued by the Home Office must be attached to the application form confirming the preventions.


Person in detention


Must be able to supply the prisoner reference number, name and address of prison, where held and start date of detention.


Patient of a hospital or residential care home


A person can be disregarded from council tax if they been in hospital either on a long-term stay (greater than six months) or when there is little likelihood that they will return home. A signed and stamped letter from the hospital where the person to be disregarded is staying must be attached to the application form confirming the date admitted to hospital, the date of intended return home (if known), their doctor’s signature and the hospital stamp.


If the person to be disregarded is living in a Care Home on a permanent basis, we will require to know the name and address of the Care Home and the date of admittance.


Severe mental impairment


Severe mental impairment disregard or exemption can be awarded when a person is occupying a property, in the opinion of their doctor is severely mentally impaired and in receipt of one of the following benefit entitlements.




Attendance Allowance.


An increase in the rate of Disablement Pension for constant attendance.


Constant Attendance Allowance.


Universal Credit with limited capability for work/work-related activity


Severe Disablement Allowance.


Highest or middle rate of Disability Living Allowance care component.


Unemployability Supplement


Disability Working Allowance


Armed Forces Independence Payment


Employment and Support Allowance (work related activity).


The daily living component of a Personal Independence Payment.


Unemployability Supplement/Allowance.




The Doctors Certificate below can be completed with your doctor. The completed certificate must be signed and stamped by your doctor and attached with proof of benefit entitlement to the application form.


Apply online for a discount


Related documents

Other possible discounts

You may also be entitled to a discount if you are:

  • a person under 20 years of age undertaking further education
  • a member of a religious community
  • a person aged 18 where child benefit is payable for him/her
  • a school/college leaver under 20 years old between 30 April - 1 November
  • a member of a visiting force or an international headquarters and defence organisation.

If you wish to apply for any of the above or require advice or assistance please contact us.


Reductions for people with a disability

Homes that have been adapted for a resident disabled person may be entitled to a disabled band reduction. This means that council tax will be calculated one band lower than it would normally be.

If you, or someone who lives with you, is "substantially and permanently" disabled, we may be able to reduce your bill.

Should you qualify for the reduction, your council tax charge will be reduced by the equivalent of one property band, even if your property is in Band A.

To qualify, your home must have been adapted to meet the needs of the disabled resident, and must have at least one of the following:

an extra bathroom or extra kitchen which is necessary to meet the needs of the disabled person
a room (other than a bathroom, kitchen or toilet) which is mainly used by the disabled person
sufficient floor space which has been created to use a wheelchair indoors, where one needs to be used inside the property

The room or the wheelchair must also be essential or of major importance to the disabled person's well-being, due to the nature and extent of their disability.

Stair lifts, handrails and other fixtures on their own would not qualify for the reduction.

A disabled person in this context means a person who is substantially and permanently disabled. The disabled person can be either an adult or a child and does not have to be responsible for paying the council tax bill.

If you think that you may qualify for a reduction, please use the below link to make your online application (and do provide as much detail as possible)

Apply online for a reduction