We work in partnership with residents, community groups, architects and developers to create sustainable communities. We balance the diverse needs of all sections of our community to develop and regenerate the borough.
To improve our service, we offer a pre-application advice service. There is a charge for this service.
Please note that the pre-application advice service should not be used to determine whether or not planning permission would be required. An application for a Certificate of Lawful Development should be submitted if you wish for the Local Planning Authority to provide this information, details of this can be found here.
Benefits of pre-application advice
We welcome and encourage discussion before planning applications are submitted, especially for major or complex schemes.
Pre-planning application advice:
- identifies the information needed to make an application valid, allowing applications to be processed more quickly
- gives an understanding of the planning policies for a particular site and development
- identifies the need for specialist input at an early stage
- gives an understanding of the procedure, consultation and estimated timescale in processing an application
- identifies unacceptable proposals, saving the cost of pursuing an abortive application
- highlights particular issues that the development identifies with
- avoids or minimises costly, time consuming amendments which could lead to re-consultation
- checks to make sure the application is valid and complete as the scheme is finalised, ensuring the application is not held up before registration
- drafts and outlines additional requirements where necessary (such as Section 106 agreements), minimising the time taken to reach agreement after the decision on planning permission is made
How to submit pre-planning advice
Request pre-planning application advice by completing an application form (attached below).
Return it (with any supporting plans or documents) to
Please note that email attachments are restricted to 8 - 10MB.
Alternatively you can post it to:
North Tyneside Council
Planning, Quadrant
The Silverlink North
Cobalt Business Park
North Tyneside
NE27 0BY
Related documents
Development Category | Type of Enquiry | Charge |
Householder enquiries Not for a new or replacement dwelling, or change of use to dwelling(s) |
Informal opinion of proposal (no meeting) | £50 |
Householder enquiries |
Informal opinion of proposal with 1 meeting or 1 accompanied site visit | £100 |
Advertisements | Informal opinion of proposal with no meeting and no accompanied site visit | £60 |
Minor development: residential |
Informal opinion of the proposal with 1 meeting and 1 written response |
1 dwelling: £200 |
Commercial development |
Informal opinion of the proposal with 1 meeting and 1 written response |
No floorspace created or up to 40sqm (and not a change of use): £100 41sqm – 500 sqm floospace or site less than 0.5ha if no floorspace specified: £350 501 – 999 sqm floorspace or site 0.51 to 1.0 ha: £500 |
Changes of use less than 1000 sqm floorspace (not for dwellings) |
Informal opinion of the proposal with 1 meeting and 1 written response |
£200 |
Changes of use more than 1000sqm (not for dwellings | Informal opinion of the proposal with 1 meeting and 1 written response | £450 |
Telecommunications development | Informal opinion of the proposal with 1 meeting and 1 written response | £200 |
Minerals and waste proposals and renewable energy schemes (non householder) | Informal opinion of the proposal with 1 meeting and 1 written response | £200 |
Major development 10 - 199 dwellings or sites of 0.5ha to less than 4 ha. Between 1000sqm to 9,999sqm commercial / industrial floorspace or sites of between 1ha and 2ha. |
Informal opinion of the proposal with maximum of 2 meetings and 2 written responses | £1800 |
Significant Major proposals 200 or more dwellings or the site area for residential development is 4 hectares or more. Commercial development: 10,000 sqm or more, or the site is 2 hectares or more. |
£ 3500 | |
Listed building consent works Works to alter or extend a dwelling to enable works for a disabled person or to create access for a disabled person Applications which do not attract a fee e.g. Resubmission of a planning application which was refused and is resubmitted within 1 year of the refusal |
No fee |
Any opinion expressed by a planning officer does not automatically pre-determine the final outcome of any proposed planning application. The opinions expressed are based on the information supplied. Nor will an officer express a view as to whether or not planning permission is required for a proposal.
Planning obligations and CIL
Planning obligations also referred to a Section 106 agreements are legal agreements between the local planning authority and the developer. Your pre-application discussions can establish whether you will be required to make any contributions as part of your planning application.
The Supplementary Planning Document sets what these requirements may be.
Developer contributions are also potentially required through the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) if your proposal is for CIL liable development. For more information about CIL please see CIL.
Local Plan
Our Local Plan gives details of material planning criteria on a variety of different types of development and set out the policies that would be used to determine any planning applications.
Find out more at the Local Plan section.
Employing an architect
If you are considering employing an architect, the Architects Registration Board (ARB) is the body set up by Parliament as the independent UK regulator of architects.
They keep the official UK Register of Architects, and only people in the Register are legally entitled to use the name "architect" in business or practice.