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Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) provide greater detail to supplement the policies and proposals of the Local Plan and are a consideration in the determination of planning applications. North Tyneside Council has a series of SPDs, ranging from those specific to a particular topic or to a geographical area.
Masterplans and associated guidance have been produced for Killingworth Moor and Murton Gap Strategic Sites which can also be found on this page.
Killingworth Moor and Murton Gap Masterplans
Killingworth Moor and Murton Gap Masterplans and associated guidance were formally agreed by North Tyneside Council’s Cabinet on the 18th December 2017. The Masterplans provide a framework for all future development on the sites. The Masterplans have been prepared with engagement with existing communities, residents and businesses affected by proposals for development. The Masterplans are a material consideration in the planning application process. Any planning applications will need to demonstrate that they meet the requirements of the Masterplans.
Related documents
Tynemouth Village Conservation Area Management Strategy SPD
The Tynemouth Village Conservation Area Management Strategy SPD Sets out potential projects and objectives for the area that will guide planning, regeneration and other development and management decisions. It will also form a basis for applications for any potential external funding. The SPD was prepared by members of the community, with the assistance of the Planning Policy team.
For further information about Tynemouth Village Conservation Area please see our Conservation and Design section.
Related documents
Fish Quay Neighbourhood Plan SPD
The Fish Quay and New Quay conservation areas were chosen by central Government to be a Neighbourhood Planning Frontrunner, one of only 17 across the country. The community of the area, consisting of local residents, business owners and land owners, came together to prepare this SPD that sets out a vision for the area that focuses on its potential to be a vibrant mixed-use area that thrives on its fishing industry, social and leisure facilities, businesses and residential community.
For further information about the Fish Quay and New Quay Conservation Area please see our Conservation and Design section.
Related documents
Weetslade Development Brief SPD
The Development Brief SPD provides guidance on the development of the Weetslade Employment Site, covering a 46-hectare site, which is bounded by Sandy Lane to the south, the B1319 Great Lime Road to the east, the Weetslade Country Park to the north, and open countryside to the west.
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Planning Obligations SPD
The SPD provides guidance on the type and extent of planning obligations North Tyneside Council require in order to ensure that planning permission may be granted where the impact of proposed development cannot be addressed through the imposition of planning conditions.
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Local Register of Buildings and Parks SPD
This SPD provides stakeholders with an explanation of policies and objectives with regard to the Local Register, outlines the process of establishing and maintaining the Local Register, provides information on the implications of Local Register designation and gives guidance on works to Locally Registered buildings.
For further information about Heritage assets in North Tyneside please see our Conservation and Design section.
Related documents
Design Quality SPD
This SPD provides guidance on how developments can achieve a high quality design in a way that respects the local context. The SPD provides an efficient and transparent tool for developers to understand the aspirations of the Council. An updated Design Quality SPD was adopted on 14 May 2018.
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Transport and Highways SPD
The SPD sets out the procedures that North Tyneside Council follows in order to ensure that the transport implications of new developments are rigorously and consistently assessed and appropriate measures secured.
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Coastal Mitigation SPD
This SPD provides additional guidance and information on the mitigation expected to be required from development within North Tyneside to prevent adverse impacts on the internationally protected coastline.
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Northumberland Square Conservation Area Management Strategy SPD
The Northumberland Square Conservation Area Management Strategy Supplementary Planning Document (CAMS SPD) provides further detail and guidance on implementation of planning policies within the North Tyneside Local Plan (2017) relating to the management of heritage assets within the conservation area. The CAMS SPD has been prepared as part of the delivery of the Historic England High Streets Heritage Action Zone (HAZ) scheme for North Shields town centre that has supported physical improvements to the historic and built environment to help stimulate cultural, leisure and tourism uses.
For further information about the Northumberland Square Conservation Area please see our Conservation and Design section.