Planning process

Development management

Development management deals with individual development proposals to ensure they meet local, regional and national planning polices and guidelines.

Each proposal is assessed on its own merits, taking into account:

  • policy
  • need
  • local circumstances
  • public opinion

Development management regulates development that falls within the scope of planning legislation. This can range from ground works, felling of trees, the erection of advertisements through to large-scale developments. However. some minor developments don't need planning consent.

For more information see the Do you need planning permission? section.

Most developments require planning consent from the local planning authority. The type of consent needed varies depending on the proposal.

The delegation process

The delegation process (see document below) will decide how your planning application will be determined (please refer to section EHL200 for planning), for example by committee or through officer’s delegated powers.

The majority of planning applications are determined through the officer’s delegated powers, such as:

  • non-controversial applications for minor development
  • house extensions
  • advertisements

The planning committee will deal with applications:

  • which are deemed to be major applications
  • of greater public/environmental concern
  • where a high number objections have been received
  • which are contrary to the case officers recommendations

Planning committee is a panel of our elected councillors. They will decide whether to agree with or overturn the officer's recommendation. Committee members may also ask that changes or conditions are added to the recommendation.

Recommendation reports for applications being determined by planning committee can be viewed online up to one week before the meeting.

Related documents

Matters taken into consideration

There are various considerations that will form a decision or recommendation, based on the submitted proposal, the site and adjoining area.

These considerations are based on a wide range of planning issues, for example:

  • design
  • the natural and built environmental
  • amenity
  • need
  • sustainability
  • health and economic factors

For more information visit the Department for Communities and Local Government.

The process

When an application is submitted we check to see it it is valid.

See the Submit a planning application section for more information.

Once your application has been validated we will assign a case officer. They will be your point of contact during the course of the application.

We must deal with your application within the statutory time period (typically 8 weeks, 13 weeks for major applications). This period can be extended with agreement from both parties if required. If your application has not been determined within eight weeks, you have the right to appeal against non-determination by the council.

Most applications have a statutory consultation period of 21 days. This will be done by letter or through a site notice. The consultation is carried out to neighbouring properties and/or any relevant statutory bodies. The case officer will liaise with you and other interested parties to try to resolve any issues that may arise after the statutory consultation.

During the course of the application (if there is enough time for changes to be made and for further consultation) the officer may suggest amendments to the proposal. It's up to you to decide whether to act on this advice or not.

If you decide to make amendments to the proposal, we may need to consult the statutory bodies and neighbouring properties again. We'd usually do this within any extended timescales (agreed by both parties).

The case officer will:

  • carry out a site visit and form an opinion about the determination of the application
  • prepare a report detailing the main planning issues relevant to the case, the results of consultations and any relevant policies
  • make a recommendation on the application

The recommendation report is available to be viewed online once the decision has been made.

Related documents

The decision

Once a decision has been made a certificate will be issued. This will confirm whether or not your application has been successful (you can view decisions online via Public Access).

If your application is refused permission, the decision will state the reason why. At this point you can appeal against the decision.

If your application has been successful the decision will set out conditions. These must be adhered to. You may be required to formally discharge some of these conditions before starting development on site (see Discharge of Conditions).

Planning conditions must be fulfilled to the specification and timescale stated in the condition. If not, the development may be in breach of the approval and subject to enforcement action.

Appealing against a decision

If you are not satisfied with our decision (whether the application was determined through delegated powers or by planning committee) you can make an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate (the independent regulatory body of the planning system).

They will appoint an independent inspector to decide if:

  • there is a valid reason for your appeal
  • we refused the application on valid planning considerations

For more information see the Planning appeals section.

Discharge of conditions

If your application has been successful, permission may have been granted subject to providing further information (which we must agreed with). This is known as the discharge of conditions.

Please make sure you check your grant of approval as some of these conditions may need to be discharged before starting development on site. It is important to discharge any pre-commencement conditions before the start of development or you could be subject to enforcement action.

An application for discharge of condition may be made online via the Planning Portal.

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