Forward plan


The Forward Plan is a document which lists the key decisions that the Cabinet, individual Cabinet Members and officers intend to take over the following four months.

In addition to key decisions, the Forward Plan also lists all the business to be transacted by the Cabinet and full Council. The plan is updated on a weekly basis and is published usually every Friday. It intends to provide at least 28 days notice of planned decisions.

You can download the latest Forward Plans below. If you require a copy of any previous forward plans please contact us.

A key decision is any decision that will involve an expenditure or saving over £500,000 or will have a significant impact on the community, i.e. will materially affect one or more wards. Any items listed on the Forward Plan that do not fall within one of these categories are classed as non-key decisions.

The Forward Plan contains specific information relating to each decision including:

  • the date the decision will be made
  • a brief explanation of the topic
  • the consultation to be undertaken
  • contact details of the author

The Forward Plan will allow you to find out about major decisions that the Council is planning to take and provides opportunity to comment on these decisions

Contact us

For further information contact:

Democratic Services
The Silverlink North
Cobalt Business Park
North Tyneside
NE27 0BY
