Local Plan Flooding Sequential Test
This report sets out the Sequential Test and Exception Test of flood risk in North Tyneside specifically focussed on the proposed development sites in the Local Plan.
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Surface Water Management Plan
Surface water management plans (SWMP) investigate local flooding issues. SWMPs should identify options to mitigate local flooding and incorporate a realistic action plan to implement or deliver the agreed management measures.
The plan will provide a strategic approach through which key local partners, with responsibility for surface water and drainage, can work together.
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Water Cycle Study
When looking at the future growth of North Tyneside and the development of more buildings for residential and employment purposes, it is vital to consider the impact upon the existing water and sewage infrastructure.
The WCS suggests the most appropriate methods to improve the infrastructure, if necessary, or indicate that certain development proposals be adjusted to reduce costs where possible. The study also considers the risks of potential flooding.
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Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
The SFRA is presented across two separate volumes, and is referred to as the North Tyneside SFRA Volume I and II.
Volume I introduces the SFRA process provides a brief understanding of the mechanisms of flooding and flood risk for those new to the subject.
Volume II provides the technical information and methods used in the assessment of flood risk across North Tyneside. The main sections within the report focus on the assessment of all sources of flooding include; fluvial, tidal, surface water, sewers, groundwater and reservoirs and other artificial sources.
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Use of SuDs in Developments and Local Standards
Use of SuDS in developments and Local Standards
National planning policy requires when determining planning applications, local planning authorities (LPA) should ensure flood risk is not increased elsewhere.
The secretary of state for communities and local government laid a written ministerial statement in the House of Commons on 18 December 2014, setting out changes to planning that will apply to major developments from 6 April 2015.
The changes will strengthen existing planning policy to ensure SuDS will be provided in new major developments where appropriate. The planning practice guidance has been updated to reflect these changes and non-statutory technical standards for the design, maintenance and operation of sustainable drainage systems have been published online.
Therefore, any new development submitted to North Tyneside Council will need to incorporate SuDS within its design. Any submitted scheme will need to adhere to national and local standards.
The North East LLFAs have agreed a set of regional drainage standards to ensure consistency when reviewing planning applications within the NE region. We have developed 22 standards and a proforma that offers additional guidance when producing drainage statements and flood risk assessments to support planning applications. Please see the standards document and check list below.