Evidence base and monitoring

  1. Evidence of housing and employment land availability, housing needs assessments and quarterly housing monitoring reports plus other related evidence.

  2. Evidence to consider and identify mitigations to prevent increase in flood risk from development, including the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment and Surface Water Management Plan.

  3. Evidence of Built Sports facilities, play pitches and the network of green spaces in the Borough. Also evidence on the Boroughs greenbelt assessment.

  4. Evidence of the retail and leisure needs and regeneration strategies for North Shields and Whitley Bay. Also public health data for childhood obesity and prevalence of hot food takeaways within each ward.

  5. Evidence of strategic traffic modelling in North Tyneside and the wider infrastructure requirements of the borough to support the delivery of the Local Plan.

  6. Evidence that is specific to the delivery of the two strategic sites identified in the Local Plan at Murton Gap and Killingworth Moor.

  7. Authority Monitoring Report contains information on the implementation of the Local Development Scheme, the progress and effectiveness of the Local Plan.