Health and wellbeing

The following organisations produce and publish a large number of additional datasets, information and reports: 

Public Health Outcomes Framework - This data tool presents data for the indicators in the framework for the most recent period available and accompanying trend data where possible. Inequalities data are provided where these are available. The link is to the North Tyneside Public Health profile.

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment - The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) shows the health and wellbeing needs of local people which is used to provide and develop health, wellbeing and social care services.

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National Child Measurement

National Child Measurement Programme - The National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) measures the height and weight of children in reception class (aged 4 to 5 years) and year 6 (aged 10 to 11 years) to assess overweight and obesity levels in children within primary schools. This data can be used at a national level to support local public health initiatives and inform the local planning and delivery of services for children. 


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