Housing Advice Team
North Tyneside Council’s Housing Advice Team provides a free, confidential service to anyone who may be experiencing housing issues and is in need of housing advice.
Leaving hospital
For many people who spend some time in hospital they return to their home address when they are discharged. However for some this may not be possible as their home may no longer meet their housing needs, or they did not have a settled home address before being admitted to hospital.
We want to help people to ensure that they can be discharged without a delay. The best way to avoid this is to make sure that hospital staff and other relevant professionals know about a housing situation as soon as possible. This will allow any assessments and referrals to take place, increasing the prospect of suitable housing being found prior to date of discharge.
Need some housing advice?
If you did not have your own home or a settled address before you went into hospital, or you are not able to return to your previous home address then you should contact the Housing Advice Team. If you are not able to do his, then ask a family member or friend to contact the team on your behalf.
An officer will be able to talk to you. This may be over the telephone or it may be possible for them to visit you in hospital. We will look into your housing situation and identify what advice and assistance can be offered.
North Tyneside Reablement Discharge Team
This team may be able to help you if you are not able to return to your own home from hospital because it will no longer be suitable for you, or if you may be worried about losing your home. The team can help if you:
Are you in hospital and will need alternative housing when you are discharged;
Have health conditions that may require you to need some housing support to keep a home.
You do not have to be a North Tyneside Council tenant for this team to be able to help you. If you have a current tenancy with a social housing landlord or a private sector one, do not terminate it without seeking advice from the Council.
Telephone: 0191 643 2777