Temporary accommodation

Homeless households are provided with temporary accommodation if it is considered that the authority has a duty to do so as assessed by the Housing Advice Officer. In order for a household to access this accommodation they must have a housing advice assessment appointment.

Accommodation will only be provided if a household is believed to be eligible, homeless and likely to be in priority need. This accommodation will be provided while their application is dealt with or if it has not been possible to prevent or relieve the homelessness and they have been accepted as homeless and in priority need. This accommodation can be provided until the council’s statutory duty comes to an end – this is usually when a household is permanently rehoused.

Our temporary accommodation is provided through our social housing stock – 1, 2 and 3 bed roomed properties which are dispersed across the borough. In exceptional circumstances accommodation may be provided in bed and breakfast establishments.

We have a dedicated team of temporary accommodation officers that arrange the accommodation and carry out regular visits to the property during their placement to support the customer until move on.