Health notifications

Health professionals must inform the Local Authority where the child is ordinarily resident, if they identify a child under compulsory school age as having, or probably having, SEN or a disability (SEND Code of Practice 2015, 1.16). 

Do not submit a health notification if…

  • A child has an Education Health and Care plan (EHCP).
  • A child is in a mainstream school nursery or Reception place.
  • A child has Early Years Inclusion Funding or Early Years Inclusion Service (EYIS) involved.

Do submit a health notification if…

  • The child between the age of 0-5 years has or probably has more complex needs that may require additional support and resources other than that which is ordinarily available, who is not in an early years provision.
  • A child between the age of 0-5 years has or have complicated and complex needs that may require additional support and resources other than that which is ordinarily available, who is in a private early years setting or with a childminder.
  • A child between the age of 0-5 years has or have complicated and complex needs that may require additional support and resources other than that which is ordinarily available, if parents/carers are struggling to find an early years setting for their child.

​Inform the Local Authority

I am a health professional wishing to inform North Tyneside Local Authority about a pre-school age child who has or probably has special educational needs (SEN) or a disability.

Submit a health notification