This is our adult social care Market Position Statement (MPS), it is outward facing and sets out information for care and support providers, clients and their family or carers, about supply and demand for services, and what this means for current and future supply.
The MPS is an important part of the councils' relationship with the care and support sector, clients, family carers and the wider market. It is a tool to set the overall direction of travel and the outcomes to be achieved. It allows the market and others to develop new, innovative ways of delivering care and support to residents. It also allows existing providers of services to review their provision and sustainability in relation to future needs and requirements.
The MPS will be reviewed annually in line with up to date supporting data on activity, demand and spend.
The MPS sets out the services we presently have in place as well as those areas where change and development is required and helps to identify where there are gaps. It also highlights a number of market opportunities for current and new providers to consider.
The MPS should be read alongside the following documents that are also updated annually:
- Commissioning intentions – The commissioning intentions will identify key areas of work over the coming year. Generally these will be in line with client groups but may also cover service areas;
- Procurement plan – This will identify any procurement requirements that adult social care is undertaking , it will be a rolling plan over the next 3 years that is updated annually.
The MPS is also to be used as the start of a conversation or dialogue between the council, providers of services and other stakeholders to ensure:
- Delivery of high quality services that meet the needs of service users;
- Safeguarding is embedded in service delivery;
- New and innovative services are developed;
- Services deliver value for money;
- Service users and carers views and desired outcomes are collected, listened to and form part of the service delivery model, subject to available resources;
- The wider market of community assets and social capital is used and accessed to support individuals, as appropriate.
North Tyneside is a metropolitan borough of Tyne and Wear in North East England, it is part of the Tyneside conurbation.
It has boundaries with Newcastle-upon-Tyne to the West, the North Sea to the East, the River Tyne to the South and Northumberland to the North.
The overview of the borough profile for North Tyneside Council includes:
- Demographic data
- Economic data
- Housing data
- Health data
You can view the overview here
National Policy Context
The Care Act 2014 delivered one of the biggest legislative changes to adult social care in the last 20 years. Specifically in relation to the care and support market and meeting people’s needs, the Act and guidance includes a duty and responsibility on the council in relation to:
- Integration – How adult social care, children’s services, the NHS, public health and housing work better together;
- Market shaping – Ensuring there is a suitable range of provision in areas to meet eligible needs and the wider needs of the population and that those services are of high quality.
- Eligibility – Introduction of a new national eligibility criteria;
- Choice of accommodation – New legal framework in place to ensure individuals can choose which residential care home they wish to live in and responsibility for funding those placements;
- Ordinary residence – New law and practice to support councils to determine and agree who they have a responsibility for;
- Provider failures – Duties on local authorities to anticipate and support or step in when providers fail, and to temporarily meet the needs of individuals;
- Market oversight – Duty on Care Quality Commission (CQC) to assess the financial sustainability of providers and to work with local authorities where providers fail.
Further information and updates can be found at Care Act Guidance
Adult Social Care White Paper
The white paper, People at the Heart of Care sets out an ambitious 10-year vision for how social care and support will be transformed. The vision puts people at its centre and revolves around three main objectives where people:
- Have choice, control and support to live independent lives.
- Can access outstanding quality and tailored care and support.
- Find adult social care fair and accessible.
For commissioning and care / support provision, the main focus in the white paper is on:
- Workforce recruitment and retention.
- Market sustainability, including the cost of care delivery.
- Housing as a key component of how needs are met.
- Technology as part of the support plan.
- Focus on prevention and health promotion.
Health and Care Integration
Health and social care integration: Joining up care for people, places and populations – this white paper sets out measures to make integrated health and social care a universal reality for everyone across England regardless of their condition or where they live.
Joining up care for people, places and populations can be read here
Key focus of the white paper is on:
- Joined up care: better for people and staff.
- Shared outcomes which prioritise people and populations.
- Ensuring strong leadership and accountability.
- Digital and data: maximising transparency and personal choice.
- Finance and integration.
- Delivering integration through our workforce and carers.
There is also joint working with the Local Integrated Care Board (ICB) – North Tyneside place the following at a local level of joint and lead commissioning arrangements:-
- Section 117, mental health placements and care / support packages;
- Shared funding arrangements; and
- Other joint initiatives such as the Transforming Care programme.
Local Policy Context
Our North Tyneside Plan
The Our North Tyneside Plan sets out our bold ambitions for making North Tyneside an even greater place to live, work and visit by 2025.
The plan outlines a vision of building a better North Tyneside, looking to the future and listening to and working better for residents.
It focuses on five key themes that reflect your priorities and with each key theme reflecting specific areas of work and clear priorities.
- A thriving North Tyneside
- A secure North Tyneside
- A family-friendly North Tyneside
- A caring North Tyneside
- A green North Tyneside
This is our plan for North Tyneside, but we know that the council cannot deliver this on its own. We work in partnership with our residents, our businesses, our community and voluntary sector and other key organisations like the NHS, the police, fire and rescue services.
Equally Well: A healthier, fairer future for North Tyneside – 2021-25
The Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy to tackle health inequalities is North Tynesides' high level strategic plan for improving the health and wellbeing of our population. It builds on the previous strategy and existing work to reduce inequalities in the borough and initially outlines the approach for the next four years. All partners acknowledge that major change will take time to achieve and there is a longer-term commitment to reducing inequalities and narrowing the gap.
Equally Well is our strategy to deal with the health and wellbeing of our population across North Tyneside and can be found here
Our key priority theme areas are:
- Best start in life.
- Maximising capabilities of children, young people and adults.
- Fair employment and good work for all.
- Ensure a healthy standard of living for all.
- The places and communities we live in.
- Our lifestyles and healthy behaviours across lifetimes.
- An integrated health and care system.
The needs of the borough are set out in the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA).
The JSNA :
- Provides a picture of health and care needs for the local community.
- Looks at the health of the population and the behaviours affecting health.
- Looks at social issues that have an impact on people's health and wellbeing, such as education, poverty and employment.
- Shows health inequalities.
Adult Social Care Priorities
Adult Social Care Priorities – 2022/23
Our North Tyneside Plan has a key theme of a Caring North Tyneside.
Under that theme, our adult social care priorities are:
- Great care to all who need it (with extra help provided through the pandemic);
- People will be cared for, protected and supported if they become vulnerable;
- Improving the work conditions of our 'care heroes'.
We are developing an adult social care strategy based on the priorities in the Our North Tyneside Plan and Equally Well.
The Adult Social Care Strategy outlines the vision of the councils' adult social care service and identifies how the service contributes to meeting the aims outlined in the Our North Tyneside Plan and in Equally Well.
The Adult Social Care Strategy is built around 5 key priorities;
- Prevent or reduce the need for long-term care, to maximise independence.
- Providing the right support. in the right place, at the right time.
- Ensuring safety from abuse or neglect.
- A sustainable and skilled workforce.
- Creating resilient, caring and inclusive communities.
Commissioning Priorities
Our high level commissioning priorities for 2022 to 2024 are:
- Support people to return home on discharge from hospital, using dedicated intermediate care and other resources, rather than short term placements;
- Reduce long term and short term placements into care homes;
- Continued use and development of extra care and other housing provision to support and maintain people living independently in the community for as long as possible;
- Grow capacity in home care, supported living and other community based services to support hospital discharge and community placements;
- Increased use of assistive technology to compliment paid care / support for individuals;
- Ensure value for money through management of budgets and expenditure across a range of different service types.
Market Overview
There are a range of social care services in place in North Tyneside, these support vulnerable adults with either long or short term support arrangements and include:
- Residential care and nursing homes;
- Extra care services;
- Home care;
- Supported living;
- Day services; and
- Outreach.
These services support the following client groups (under primary support reasons) in groups that are either 18 to 64 or 65+
- Learning disability.
- Mental health.
- Sensory.
- Social support.
- Physical support.
- Memory and cognition.
Commissioning arrangements
There are a number of ways that services can be accessed, provided and paid for including:
- Commissioned by the council.
- Direct payment, where a client receives a personal budget and makes arrangements directly.
- Individual service fund, this is a form of direct payment where the funding is managed by the provider.
- Self-funding, where a client has financial resources and directly funds the service(s) themselves.
- Commissioned by another body, i.e another council or the Integrated Health Board (for health funded placements / packages).
Quality of Provision in North Tyneside
We have high expectations of social care providers and this is reflected in our contract requirements, service specifications and standards.
We have a planned programme of quality monitoring visits throughout the year to assess the overall quality of service provision against standards and an agreed quality monitoring assessment tool. This covers the following services and client groups:
- Residential and nursing care for older people;
- Home care and extra care services;
- Day services;
- Supported living and other community based / outreach services; and
- Other service areas not covered above.
We also work closely with colleagues in the Care Quality Commission and the North Tyneside Integrated Care Board (ICB) as well as other NHS providers to look at the services in North Tyneside to ensure the care and support services are delivering at the right levels.
Care Homes – Older People
There are 30 care homes for older people and these range in size, some are part of large national organisations whereas others are regional or are small local sole providers.
Equally there is a mix of new build provision and converted older properties. Diversity of the market is therefore good, and we are not over reliant on any one particular type of provision. The range of provision type is set out in the following table:
Area | Small; 1-25 beds | Medium; 26 - 50 beds | Large; 51 plus beds | Totals |
Local | 3 | 3 | 0 | 6 |
Regional | 2 | 7 | 2 | 11 |
National | 0 | 8 | 5 | 13 |
Total | 5 | 18 | 7 | 30 |
More information can be found at
Care Homes – Specialist
This covers care homes that support working age adults from other client groups such as learning disability, mental health, physical disability etc
There are 12 care homes delivering residential provision, including specialist support to forensic clients. This includes one dedicated residential respite unit.
Area | Small; 1-10 beds | Medium; 11 - 20 beds | Large; 21 plus beds | Totals |
Local | 4 | 0 | 1 | 5 |
Regional | 4 | 1 | 1 | 6 |
National | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
Total | 8 | 2 | 2 | 12 |
More information can be found at
Home Care
The local domiciliary market is made up of three types of providers:
Type of provider | Totals |
Locally owned and operated individual businesses | 21 |
Franchised branches operated as individual entities but part of a larger organisational infrastructure | 3 |
Branches owned and operated by large organisations l | 8 |
More information can be found at
Extra Care
Our strategy is to support the development of, and access to, extra care provision as an alternative to residential care. This could be about delaying the need for a move into a care home or as a direct alternative.
We have 11 extra care schemes in operation across North Tyneside, they are operated by 7 different landlords and the care and support is commissioned from 3 different CQC registered care providers. In total there are 480 apartments with one of the schemes (providing 40 apartments) offering extra care specifically for people with dementia.
More information can be found using
Supported Living
We have an ongoing strategy of supporting people with a learning disability, a mental health problem or autism to live independently in their own homes in the community as opposed to living in a residential care setting.
We have 209 supported living services with 313 people living in them. They range from single person properties to core and cluster properties with up to 16 people living in self contained units with joined communal facilities.
Our housing strategy supports the continued development of housing options for individuals.
More information can be found using
Day Services
We have a range of day services in place across North Tyneside that support older people, people with dementia, learning disability and mental health groups.
Some services are directly commissioned, and some are accessed via a personal budget or an individual service fund. These services offer a range of types of support that may be either building based or in the community, some are more therapeutic and others are linked to daily living skills or supporting employment pathways.
More information can be found at
The councils' revenue budget sets out the expenditure and income for all council services. For Adult Social Care this will include staffing budgets for the staff teams that work in the service as well as the commissioning budgets for spend on externally provided services.
The budget also includes income that comes into the service from various areas, i.e:
- Client contributions and charges.
- NHS income for specific care packages, e.g S117 or shared care.
- NHS income linked to services, ie Better Care Fund.
- Other grants or funding.
The councils' revenue budget can be found here
Expenditure in relation to adult social care is set out below and comes from the most recent Annual ASC Finance report Adult Social Care Activity and Finance Report - NHS Digital
There is a skilled, competent and committed workforce in place to do this work.
There are a variety of different roles in social care and support that are available to people to work into.
The care and support roles can be in different settings from care homes to community based support, including day services, home care, supported living and outreach. All of these can be provided for younger adults as well as older people.
We have developed our Adult Social Care Workforce Strategy for care and support provision and this sets out how collectively as a place we are working with and supporting our providers to have the right capacity and capability to deliver services on our behalf. The key themes within this strategy are
- A valued workforce; and
- A sufficient and well skilled workforce
supported by three complementary sub-themes:
- Working together, improving the perception of care.
- Opportunities for our workforce.
- Opportunities for our services.
A summary of the North Tyneside social care workforce can be found at the Skills for Care website, details as follows:
The Adult Social Care White Paper – People at the Heart of Care highlights a series of reforms and change to social care delivery and a system wide transformation approach.
The paper states that every decision about care should be a decision about housing and that the environment in which people live can have a real impact on their quality of life and how their social care needs are met.
Good quality housing options can mean:
- People do not stay in hospital too long.
- do not move into a care home prematurely.
- Ensuring availability of adaptations and equipment.
We have a good baseline of high quality housing provision to support people at risk, through the delivery of:
- Extra care provision as an alternative to residential care, 3 schemes with 151 units in the last six years.
- Supported living to support independent living with 120 units over the last seven years.
- Plan for 3 totally bespoke supported living services for transforming care hospital discharges.
Our housing market position statement can be found here.
This MPS is currently under review
Commissioning Intentions and Procurement Plan
Commissioning Intentions
Our commissioning intentions describe how we as an organisation intend to shape local services to meet the needs of individuals. They also describe the services we want to buy and the outcomes we wish to achieve for our local population.
A key element of this is also to ensure that there is sustainability of provision to meet current and future need and that includes the types and quantities of services and provision we would want to have in place.
Our commissioning intentions are updated annually and can be found here.
Procurement Plan
Most of the adult social care services and provision is delivered outside of the Local Authority and is delivered by either the community and voluntary sector or by private providers.
This can include some small local providers that deliver services / support in North Tyneside or to large national private sector providers that operate across the country.
We need to ensure our procurement arrangements are fit for purpose, they meet our legal and statutory requirements and support our requirement of having high quality provision of care and support being delivered to vulnerable people across North Tyneside.
The procurement plan sets out how we do that and also the timetable of new contracts and framework arrangements.
Related documents
User and Carer Views
It is important we take account of the views and feedback from the people that use our services and / or those that are closest to them.
We do this is a variety of ways at service level, but for the purpose of the MPS, the following sets out the feedback from two national surveys:
- Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework , this includes a range of measures for user satisfaction and quality of life
- Personal social services survey of adult carers
The Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF) measures how well care and support services achieve the outcomes that matter most to people. This is used both locally and nationally to set priorities for care and support, measure progress and strengthen transparency and accountability.
This measures the profile of adult carers and their satisfaction levels with support they can access, including access to information.
Market Sustainability Plans
We have developed a series of market sustainability plans covering:
- Older person's care homes
- Home care 18+
- Mental health services
- Learning disability services
The older person's care homes and home care for adults is linked to the cost of care work. You can find out more about cost of care here
These will be published once they have been approved by the Department of Health and Social Care. The plans cover:
- An assessment of current sustainability of the market in each area
- Summary of the challenges and changes needed over the coming three years – 2023/26
- Plans to address market sustainability over the coming three years – 2023/26
These plans cover the whole of the market and need within North Tyneside, irrespective of how funding is arranged
Working with us and feedback
If you are interested in working with us in North Tyneside, please contact the Commissioning Team
Feedback on the MPS
We would welcome your feedback on this online market position statement.
- Have you found it helpful?
- Which areas were particularly useful for you?
- Which areas could we improve?
- Which areas would you like to see more information?
- How can we keep you updated?
If you have any feedback, suggestions or for further information about the MPS, please contact the Commissioning Team.
Thank you,
North Tyneside Adults Commissioning Team