Our commissioning intentions

What are our commissioning intentions?

Our commissioning intentions describe how we as an organisation intend to shape local services to meet the needs of individuals. They also describe the services we want to buy and the outcomes we wish to achieve for our local population.

They demonstrate how we will respond to local health needs, as well as local and national social care and health priorities.

Adult Social Care commissioning is carried out by an internal commissioning team which reports into the joint Health and Wellbeing structure with local NHS services and others. It has responsibility for strategic commissioning of services to enable personalised social care and support and undertakes all elements of the commissioning process.

The service manages several joint funding arrangements with the North Tyneside Clinical Commissioning Group, including those for intermediate care, reablement and loan equipment.

Commissioning priorities

The Health and Wellbeing Board has agreed the current commissioning priorities across health and social care. You can read about them in the document below.

These priorities are aligned with the health and wellbeing strategy objectives to:

  • Continually seek and develop new opportunities to improve the health and wellbeing of the population 
  • Reduce the difference in life expectancy and healthy life expectancy between the most affluent and most deprived areas of the borough 
  • Shift investment to focus on evidence based prevention and early intervention wherever possible 
  • Engage with and listen to local communities on a regular basis to ensure that their needs are considered and wherever possible addressed 
  • Build resilience in local communities through focused interventions and ownership of local initiatives to improve health and wellbeing 
  • Integrate services where there is an opportunity for better outcomes for the public and better use of public money 
  • Focus on outcomes for the population in terms of measurable improvements in health and wellbeing

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