Your business waste
Your business has a legal responsibility for the storage, collection and disposal of its waste. You must arrange and pay for your waste collection.
We can provide a competitive commercial waste collection service to any business in the North Tyneside Borough.
You can't take your waste to household waste and recycling sites. These are for household waste only and it's illegal to take your business waste to these sites. Failure to follow these rules could result in prosecution.
Your legal responsibilities as a business
All businesses have a statutory duty to ensure that their waste is managed and disposed of legally.
For further details about your responsibilities visit GOV.UK.
Keep your waste secure
Waste must be stored safely and securely in suitable containers and/or places that will prevent unauthorised access and to prevent it from escaping from your control.
Waste transfer
Only pass your waste to authorised persons and companies. Waste must be transferred to a person who is authorised to take it (a registered carrier or a licensed waste disposal operator).
Check if someone is registered by visiting GOV.UK or asking the company to show their waste carriers certificate.
If they can't prove they are a registered waste carrier, don't give them your waste.
Waste transfer notes
You must:
- have a 'duty of care waste transfer note' jointly signed by the business and the carrier to prove who has taken your waste
- keep this document for a minimum of 2 years
Breach of the duty of care is an offence. It carries a penalty of an unlimited fine if convicted on indictment.
Contact us
Telephone: 0345 2000 103