About Contours

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  1. Our Leisure Centre Satisfaction Survey is live! We would be really grateful if you could take five minutes to complete the quick questionnaire.

About Contours

Contours is a fitness and wellbeing membership package which gives you unlimited access to all North Tyneside Council leisure centres including the gyms, swimming pools, and exercise classes at Hadrian Leisure Centre, The Parks Sports Centre, Tynemouth Pool, Waves and The Lakeside Centre. 

That adds up to:

  • Five gyms
  • Four swimming pools
  • Hundreds of instructor-led classes
  • Les Mills virtual classes
  • InBody analysis
  • A personalised service, including a custom made programme
  • A nutrition guide and a recipe booklet  

All five sites have a relaxed and non-intimidating environment, with opening hours ranging from as early as 6.30am to as late as 10pm – so you can choose the one nearest to home, call in on your way to or from work - or try them all!

At Contours we invest in our members – all our gyms have the innovative InBody technology which uses an electrical pulse to precisely measure muscle mass, body fat percentage, body mass index and more. Contours members receive regular InBody assessments as part of their membership package. 

Also included in the membership is professional guidance from our friendly team of expert instructors who use the results from InBody assessments to design the perfect programme to help you achieve your goals so you won't be left doing the same routine time and time again. We will work with you to regularly update your programme – keeping your workout fresh and helping you continue to make progress.

We’d be happy to show you round and and all of our facilities and have a chat about how Contours can help you. You can pick up a free day pass too..


Family gym sessions

Family gym sessions are a great way to introduce young people between the ages of 11 and 13 to the gym environment and the importance of physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle.

It presents a great opportunity for parents and/or carers to spend some quality time with their children who are not yet old enough to access the gym unaccompanied. Gym Instructors can help young people (and their parents/carers if necessary!) learn how to safely use equipment in order to help them achieve their goals. 

When accompanied by an adult (aged 18+) up to two children and young people between the age of 11 and 13 can access North Tyneside leisure centres. Juniors aged 14+ can also access with their family, however the junior gym price is applicable for anyone over the age of 14 years. 


  • 11-13 years old: gym only is the price of a family gym session - £1.80 (with an easecard)
  • 11-13 years olds: gym and swim is the price of a casual junior gym and swim session - £3.80 (with an easecard)
  • 14+ years: the junior gym and swim price - £3.80 (with an easecard)

There are no restrictions on when young people can access with an adult, the option is available during the full opening hours of the facilities.

Guidance on equipment

Juniors under the age of 16 are restricted with what gym equipment they can use. All juniors are required to complete an induction and parents/guardian are required to compete a PARQ (a consent form to state you agree to the guidance of what gym equipment can be used and the appropriate supervision of a junior aged between 11 and 13 years old). To assist juniors and parents/guardians you will find there are age stickers on gym equipment. Body weight exercises are recommended for juniors aged 11 to 13 years. We encourage everyone to listen to Gym Instructors who are there to protect and ensure people exercise safely. Below is a summary of what equipment can be used, more detail can be provided by a Gym Instructor, always speak with a member of the team if you are unsure:

  • 11 year olds: all cardio kit, resistance bands, core bags (up to 5kg)
  • 12 to 13 year olds: all cardio kit, resistance machines including leg press, leg curl, arm curl, ab crunch, chest press, resistance bands, core bags (up to 5kg)
  • 14 year olds: all cardio kit, resistance machines listed above for 12 to 13 year olds and lat pull down, cable machine, shoulder press, rear delt/pec fly (there is a maximum weight of 25kg, more weight can be lifted after an induction with a Gym Instructor)
  • 16+ year olds: all cardio kit, all resistance machines, smith machine, assisted chin and dip, plate loaded machines   

A junior can complete a programme review every year they turn a year older and Gym Instructors can advise on what additional gym equipment and exercises can be added into their programme.

Baby gym and spin

Baby-friendly sessions for parents / carers of under 1's.

A safe space for you to come with your baby to enable you to exercise - either on the gym floor or in a spin class.

We ask that babies are kept in their carriers or car seats while you are attending and that they are always in your eyesight. 

You must have an induction prior to your session and must be clear to exercise by your GP.

Baby Gym

  • Hadrian Leisure Centre: Monday and Friday, 11am-1pm
  • The Lakeside Centre: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 10am-2pm

The details on Baby Spin sessions, please check the exercise class timetable. 

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