Financial assistance and grants

Update COVID-19

The government passed legislation on 26 March 2020 that prevents eviction proceedings for a three-month period. Landlords have to give all renters 3 months’ notice if they intend to seek possession.

Meanwhile, landlords are protected by a three-month mortgage payment holiday where they have buy-to-let mortgage.

Landlords remain legally obligated to ensure properties meet the required standard – urgent, essential health and safety repairs should be made. A reasonable extension can be agreed for non-urgent repairs.

Please click here for the latest government advice for renters and landlords in the context of coronavirus.

If you are a renter and are experiencing issues paying your rent, discuss this with your landlord and also contact Housing Advice on (0191) 643 2520 or email:

Alternatively you may wish to seek advice from Shelter or Citizens  Advice (

Safe and healthy homes

If your home is affecting your health our we can provide advice and guidance to help to resolve health-related housing issues and improve physical / mental health through referrals to relevant services and organisations.

We can provide information or advice on:

  • heating issues, energy bills and fuel poverty
  • damp and mould
  • home safety - hazards and clutter
  • outstanding repairs
  • fire safety

We accept referrals from both professionals and residents.

To make a referral complete the online form in the Safe and healthy homes section.

You can also contact us at:

Safe and Healthy Homes
Telephone: (0191) 643 7585

Disabled facilities grants

From the 1st April 2018 a new policy is in place for Disabled Facilities Grants which is available to download. 

Disabled Facilities Grants are:

  • Mandatory grants for essential works to meet the disabled persons needs and that are reasonable and practicable, depending on the age and condition of the property.
  • Available to owner occupiers and private tenants who have been referred to the Council following assessment of their medical needs by an occupational therapist or other appropriately qualified professional.
  • Available up to a maximum grant of £40,000 (£30,000 National Grant plus £10,000 local discretionary grant).
  • Discretionary grant of up to £10,000 available, subject to the applicant meeting savings criteria of less than £20,000
  • Means tested based on income and capital of the disabled person and their spouse according to government regulations

Related documents

Contact us

For help with Disabled Facilities Grants,  assessments and adaptations contact:

The Children and Adult Contact Centre (Gateway Team)

Telephone: (0191) 6432777 or e-mail