Work starts on Four Lane Ends sustainable travel improvements
Journeys by bus, bike and foot in the Four Lane Ends area are set to be made easier thanks to...
New ShopNT app links local businesses with customers
North Tyneside Council has launched a new way to shop for local products and services through a...

North Tyneside schools visited by 'Freda the Fish' to promote recycling
A sea life sculpture, composed of recycled materials, was displayed in North Tyneside...
World No Car Day invites opportunity to embrace sustainable travel
North Tyneside Council is encouraging people across the borough to leave their cars at home as part of a worldwide initiative.
What does culture mean to you? Have your say
North Tyneside residents are being asked ‘what does culture mean to you?’ as part of a project...

Council volunteers lend a hand at local Bread and Butter Thing hub
A North Tyneside Council contractor and local authority volunteers were part of the team...
Cabinet hears the achievements of ambitious council plan
A report to Cabinet last night detailed all of the significant progress that has been made to ensure North Tyneside is thriving, family-friendly, caring, secure and green.

North Tyneside Council launches 'warm welcome' grant scheme
A £30,000 grant fund has been launched this week to support community and voluntary organisations in the borough to establish ‘warm welcome’ sites.
North Sea Weekender festival is back
A festival of watersports returns to North Tyneside next month after making a splash last year...
Improvement work set to begin at Killingworth Library
Refurbishment work is set to take place at Killingworth Library at the White Swan Centre in...
Progress continues on Falmouth Road
Significant progress is being made as work continues to turn old garages into affordable, high-...

North Tyneside 0-19 team join national pilot programme aiming to help new mams stay smoke-free
BabyBreathe™ is a comprehensive package of support for local women.
Heritage Open Day events return to North Tyneside
Residents and visitors will have the opportunity to discover new places and explore some of...

North Shields Cultural Quarter open for business
The first phase of ambitious restoration work to North Shields town centre is now complete. ...

Improvements to signalised crossing points
North Tyneside Council is set to upgrade 10 signalised crossing points across the borough.

Have your say on a new political map for the Council
The Local Government Boundary Commission for England is undertaking an electoral review of the Council
The Bread and Butter Thing opens three new food hubs in North Tyneside
North Tyneside has welcomed three new The Bread-and-Butter Thing hubs as the service expands across the borough.

Students celebrate GCSE results in North Tyneside
Young people in North Tyneside are taking the next steps into their future today after receiving...
Council seeks views on proposal to restrict certain activities on its land
North Tyneside Council is seeking views on a new policy which, if adopted, would restrict...

Students celebrate A-Level results in North Tyneside
North Tyneside’s students are preparing for their future after receiving their A-Level and Applied General Qualifications results today (18 August).

Revolutionary technology introduced to improve home care in North Tyneside
Care users in North Tyneside are part of an innovative pilot scheme as North Tyneside Council trials remote monitoring technology to improve home care.
Council to support installation of energy efficiency measures in homes
North Tyneside Council has been awarded £3.7million to support the installation of energy...

North Tyneside schools on form with uniform
The average cost of uniform for a primary age school child is £315 per year, and for secondary...

New-look gateways welcome visitors to North Tyneside
Visitors and residents are being welcomed to North Tyneside by striking new gateways.

A vision for transport
Collisions involving cyclists are decreasing in North Tyneside – at the same time as more people are using a bike to get around the borough.
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