Cabinet last night approved ambitious plans to transform North Shields and the Fish Quay (Monday 25 January).
The Ambition for North Shields master plan, aimed at transforming the town centre and riverside into an environment where people choose to live, work and spend their leisure time, went out to public consultation in draft form during the summer and autumn of last year.
It outlines eight separate projects for the town centre and Fish Quay. These include enhancing the appearance of key areas, creating a new transport hub and interchange and town square to host events, markets and performances, improved walking and cycling routes in the town centre, a new cultural quarter based around a traffic calmed Howard Street and riverside walkway linking the town centre to the Fish Quay.
There are also proposals for high-quality housing at key locations and moving the North Shields ferry landing to Western Quay.
Read more here.
Following Cabinet approval the next steps are:
• Refining a Delivery Plan for the masterplan which will set out the timings and funding for the projects contained in the masterplan.
• Progress the delivery of those schemes contained in the masterplan for which funding has been secured.
• Securing external funding for those elements of the masterplan for which funding is not currently in place.
Find out more about the Ambition for North Shields master plan