North Tyneside Local Plan
North Tyneside Local Plan Review
On 17 February 2025 North Tyneside's Cabinet agreed a revised Local Development Scheme setting out a timetable for the preparation of a new Local Plan for the Borough.
Work on a new Local Plan will involve development of a new evidence base and several stages of public engagement through 2025 and 2026 prior to submission of the proposed Local Plan to the government for examination by December 2026.
As each stage of consultation is launched further information will be made available on this page and through the Council's consultation portal Our North Tyneside Voice
A full programme and timetable for preparation of the new Local Plan is included here.
North Tyneside Local Plan 2017
The current adopted North Tyneside Local Plan represents the Council approach towards shaping future sustainable development in the Borough. The Local Plan covers both strategic land allocations and wider development management policies that are important when deciding planning applications.
The Local Plan covers a range of matters including the number of new homes that are needed and where they should be located; the amount and proposed location of new employment land; protection and improvement of important open areas and provision of new ones; provision of new infrastructure and improvement of town centres and community facilities in the Borough.
The Planning team can provide a hard copy of the Local Plan and Policies Map on request. In accordance with the Town & Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 there would be a charge of £25.00. Please contact the Planning team to request a copy.
Local Plan Review
Following its adoption in 2017 the North Tyneside Local Plan became more than five years old in July 2022. To consider the continued effectiveness of the North Tyneside Local Plan an assessment of Local Plan policy, summary outcomes of implementation to date and alignment with National Planning Policy has been prepared.
North Tyneside Local Plan Five Year Review and Policy Assessment
UPDATE: An interactive version of the Policies Map has now been published.
Related documents
Background documents
Information and background about the adopted Local Plan.