Staffing and equality

This category contains information, data and intelligence on equality and diversity in North Tyneside.

It includes data, where available, on staff by the 9 protected characteristics as set out in the Equality Act 2010:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender reassignment
  • Marriage and civil partnership
  • Pregnancy and maternity
  • Race
  • Religion or belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation

Equality data on our residents is in the Datastore here -

Some equality data is provided in the Ward and Borough Profiles here -,  The ward profiles include age, disability, ethnicity and sex. The borough profile includes age, disability, ethnicity, sex and religion. The Ward Profiles are updated twice a year and the Borough Profile once a year. 

If you have any queries or suggestions about the content or format of our data please click PolicyPerformance&

Equalities information for North Tyneside Council employees

This set of information contains the Equalities Information Reports, Pay Policy Statement and associated data for North Tyneside Council's employees, including data required by the Transparency Code 2015.

Employees include permanent, temporary, casual and sessional workers, but exclude school based employees, which will be published separately.

Data accuracy:
Some of the data for employees is provided to the council on a voluntary basis, if an employee decides not to provide this data it is shown on the data sheets as undeclared. Some staff do not have access to the Business Management System but are required to complete a Council Data Collection Questionnaire every 3 years to ensure the system is updated via the Council's Employee Resources Service within Human Resources.

(The data contained in the reports is subject to roundings to protect identities in respect of the Data Protection Act.)

Annual Equality and Diversity Review

The Council produces an annual equality and diversity review. This is published shortly after the end of the financial year and can be viewed here.


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