Green North Tyneside


Role of the partnership

We coordinate the work of the council and its partners in reducing the carbon footprint of the Borough and ensuring that a strategic and co-ordinated approach is adopted in meeting the objectives of the Our North Tyneside Plan 2013-17, which states:

We will reduce the carbon footprint of our (Council) operations and (we) will work with partners to reduce the Borough's carbon footprint.

The partnership is project based and the board appoints task and finish groups to deliver these objectives.

The Green North Tyneside Strategic Partnership Board has developed, in conjunction with North Tyneside Council, a local Carbon Reduction Award Scheme for businesses and other organisations who operate in the borough.

The Carbon Reduction Award Scheme has been endorsed and welcomed by the North Tyneside Business Forum Board members. The Scheme is seen as a means by which our local companies can follow a programme of work to reduce their carbon footprint and at the same time display their green credentials.

The Scheme is administered through North Tyneside Council's Environmental Sustainability Team with support of the NTSP Green North Tyneside Board.

The Scheme is formed around three progressive levels - a Bronze, Silver and Gold award. The Bronze and Silver awards are self assessed via simple check list criteria whilst the Gold is assessed by a site visit and evidence check.

The scheme ensures that participants progress in a step by step approach to gain a detailed understanding of energy and carbon reduction opportunities in their relative business or organisational setting. This can help improve on any process costs and contribute to the overall competitiveness agenda of any commercial business.

The Board also agreed to undertake the following projects in August 2015:-

Whole House Innovation Project

This project is based on retrofitting 25 homes with low cost energy efficiency products.

‘Natural Technology’ - Carbon offsetting and capture 

The project will enable approximately 10,000 new trees to be planted in the Borough and create a GNT Carbon Capture Woodland. North Tyneside Council Officers, in consultation with the NTC Environment Board, have identified the former Fenwick Pit Heap site as a preferred location for the establishment of the new woodland.

Power Rangers

This work has been completed and principles of community energy champions will be merged into the proposals for the potential roll out of Game of Homes (below).

Game of Homes

This trial project uses ‘gamification’ and competition to reduce domestic energy consumption, fuel poverty and carbon emissions within households in North Tyneside.

Home Heating Heroes

This project has delivered fuel poverty training to Emergency Services front line staff (North East Ambulance Patient Transfer / Fire & Rescue Service / Police) and referred householders to the North Tyneside Council, Safe and Healthy Homes project.

Sponsorship of  North Tyneside Green Business Award 

The sponsorship of the Green Business Award is part of the annual NT Business Awards event until 2017.


The Green North Tyneside Theme Partnership comprises of partners from:

  • North Tyneside Council
  • North East Chamber of Commerce
  • Tyne & Wear Fire & Rescue Service
  • Tyne Metropolitan College
  • Northumbrian Water
  • North Tyneside Coalition of Disabled People
  • Northumbria Police
  • Northumbria Healthcare Trust
  • Port of Tyne Authority
  • North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust

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