I am trying to renew my parking permit online but it’s not working.
Please ensure you are inputting the activation code and new permit number that are contained in your renewal letter. If you input your existing permit number, the renewal will not be processed. For the initial batch of renewal letters, the permit number is located at the top of the letter and, unfortunately, is easily overlooked. We are sorry about this and for all subsequent renewal letters, we have made the new permit number and activation code much clearer.
How often does enforcement take place?
Enforcement is undertaken seven days a week. Streets or areas that experience regular abuse or those where complaints have been received are prioritised. Due to staff resource availability, it is not possible to react to every enforcement request immediately. When reporting parking abuse, please include the day and time it is worst so the site can be planned into future deployment strategies.
A mobile CCTV vehicle supports our Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs) whilst they are on foot patrols, however current legislation dictates that it can only be utilised to enforce parking on School Keep Clear markings and in bus stops.
Can the council take enforcement action against obstructive or dangerous parking?
Dangerous parking and general obstruction (including parking on pavements and grass verges) is a matter for the police. Civil Enforcement Officers can only enforce waiting/loading restrictions and the obstruction of formal dropped kerbs.
Is parking on single yellow lines permitted?
Parking on single yellow lines is permitted outside the hours of control shown in the adjacent time plate.
When is parking on double yellow lines permitted?
Parking is not allowed on double yellow lines at any time. Loading and unloading is allowed where there are no kerb markings i.e. vertical yellow lines on the kerb, indicating a ban on loading. Drivers can stop on yellow lines to pick up or drop off passengers, but waiting is not permitted.
Blue Badge holders can park for up to three hours on single or double yellow lines when there are no loading restrictions (kerb markings), provided they can do so safely and do not cause an obstruction.
Does the council take enforcement action in relation to dropped kerbs?
A contravention applies where a vehicle parks on the carriageway immediately adjacent to where the footway, cycle track or verge has been lowered to the level of the carriageway (or where the carriageway has been raised) to assist:
- pedestrians crossing the carriageway;
- cyclists entering or leaving the carriageway; or
- vehicles entering or leaving the carriageway across the footway, cycle track or verge.
The Department for Transport stipulates that no signage or markings are required to enforce this contravention.
When vehicles obstruct residential driveways, it can be difficult to determine if the vehicle is the occupant’s or visitor’s and therefore if an obstruction offence is occurring. Consequently, CEOs do not automatically carry out enforcement unless the occupier submits a written request (including via email) to the council.
Please note that the CEOs cannot issue a penalty charge notice to a vehicle parked on the carriageway opposite a driveway, even if it is causing an inconvenience for larger vehicles driving on or off the driveway.
Can I have a H-Bar or Keep Clear marking outside my property?
Access protection markings or H-bars are advisory markings only. They can be used to highlight areas of the carriageway which should be kept clear of parked vehicles either outside an entrance to off-street premises or where the kerb is dropped to provide a convenient crossing place for pedestrians.
Due to the number of private accesses and dropped crossings across the borough, these markings are only introduced in exceptional circumstances, such as locations where the driveway may not be obvious to the motorist or where a driveway may exit into an on-street parking bay.
Can the council remove caravans on the highway?
A trailer/caravan is not classed as a motorised vehicle unless it is attached to a vehicle. As a result, it is not possible to issue a Penalty Charge Notice to an unattached trailer or caravan, even if they are parked within a permit parking zone without a valid permit or a Pay and Display bay without a ticket.
However, under Regulation 103 of the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986, it is an offence for a motor vehicle or trailer to stand on a road and cause any unnecessary obstruction.
Only the police can enforce this and make the decision as to whether a trailer or caravan is causing an unnecessary obstruction. The outcome of each investigation will depend upon many factors, such as the size of the trailer or caravan, the type of road, its position in the road and the use of the road.
In certain circumstances, if a trailer or caravan, is preventing delivery of Council services, such as grass cutting or street cleansing over a number of weeks, our Streetworks team can assist by issuing a letter to the owner, if they are known, requesting removal of the caravan/trailer. This letter is advisory only and relies on the community spirit and co-operation of the owner as it cannot be enforced by the Council.
How can waiting or loading restrictions be introduced?
Restrictions are introduced for the benefit of road safety or to aid loading/unloading and follow the establishment of a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO). The procedure for making a TRO is laid down by the Secretary of State. The xouncil is required to consult on the proposed TRO and advertise its intention in the local press and on street, inviting valid objections in writing.
How does the council deal with parking restriction requests?
The council receives many requests for parking restrictions, and it is important that their assessment is consistent, fair and based on agreed priorities for investment which are affordable and sustainable.
If a significant parking problem is identified, the council will initially seek to address this through engagement with other organisations and partners where possible, depending on the source of the problem.
The introduction of parking restrictions will be considered if this proves unsuccessful.
Our Parking Strategy outlines our approach to the assessment and implementation of parking restrictions.
Permit parking restrictions may be appropriate in certain residential streets (with minimal off-street parking provision) where long-stay parking associated with non-residents is putting particular pressure on the available parking places.
Surveys of the cars parked at different times of the day will show whether the cars belong to neighbours of car owners parking up for long periods of time. If parking demand is created by residents, i.e. as a result of multiple car ownership, a permit parking restriction will be ineffective.
To ensure permit parking restrictions are beneficial, requests are assessed against criteria detailed in the Parking Strategy.
How do I make a request for parking restrictions?
Officers require detailed and accurate information relating to the parking issue to ensure that they get a true understanding of the scale of the issue. For this reason, and to ensure consistency of treatment, requests need to be submitted using the Parking Restriction Request Form.
If you are unable to complete a form, for whatever reason, then you may want to consider approaching your Local Councillor to submit one on your behalf. Contact details of the Local Councillors representing your area can be found here
Only one completed form per location is necessary to initiate an assessment - there is no need for multiple residents to submit forms requesting permit parking on a particular street. However, it would be helpful to provide evidence that the request is supported by a number of the residents or businesses directly affected by a proposed parking restriction.
Forms can be downloaded from the Parking section of the website here. Completed forms should be emailed to: traffic@northtyneside.gov.uk
Can I request the removal of a waiting/loading or permit parking restriction?
We recognise that matters change over time and the reason a restriction was introduced may no longer exist.
Our Traffic and Road Safety Team are happy to investigate any reasonable request to amend waiting/loading restrictions.
email: traffic@northtyneside.gov.uk.
If the assessment criteria is met and funding is available to implement the change, the team will commence the necessary legal process.
Can enforcement action be taken against HGVs parking in my street?
Parking enforcement cannot be taken against HGVs parking up overnight on the public highway unless there is a relevant TRO in operation on that street or in that area. This will have to be correctly signed to indicate to the driver that the restriction is in operation. Currently there are no TROs of this nature in operation across North Tyneside.
However, if the HGV is over 7.5 tonnes, it requires an operator’s licence. This licence is granted to the company, with conditions, by the local Traffic Commissioner. One condition is that the vehicle should be garaged overnight: at its operating centre; as a visitor to another operating centre; or at an approved lorry park. If you experience problems with HGVs parking overnight on the highway you should contact the North East Traffic Commissioner,
email: enquiries@otc.gsi.gov.uk, Tel: 0300 123 9000
You should provide the nature of the complaint, details of the company (these are usually on the cab door), the vehicle’s registration number and the relevant time and dates.
Please note that certain commercial companies offer a 24 hour call out service, so certain vehicles involved in delivery of this service, such as car removal vehicles, may be exempt from the requirement to be garaged overnight.
Can I have an advisory disabled bay?
Our Parking Strategy sets out the following guidelines for an advisory disabled bay:
- You must receive the Higher Rate Mobility Component of the Government’s Disability Living Allowance, Personal Independence Payment or Attendance Allowance (mobility must be dependent on having a vehicle directly outside their property);
- You must have no off-street parking available or the possibility of providing it;
- Surveys must confirm that parking demand adjacent to your property is high for most of the day;
- Your neighbours must support the introduction of the bay. If objections are received, the bay would not normally be installed. This is because bays are advisory only and rely on cooperation from neighbours to be effective.
Advisory disabled bays may be removed when no longer required. Requests should be directed to the Traffic and Road Safety team who will consult residents in the area of the relevant address to confirm that the bay is no longer required. Arrangements will then be made to remove the bay, if appropriate.
What are you doing about parking and traffic issues near schools?
Our Go Smarter team works with schools to promote travel planning and to encourage the use of more sustainable modes of transport amongst staff, pupils, parents and carers.
This includes reviewing the schools’ dedicated car parking provision and providing infrastructure improvements where necessary. Inconsiderate non-residential parking and increased traffic flows occur particularly around school start and end times; therefore, advice is provided to schools about these issues. School Keep Clear markings are enforced by CEOs, including use of the mobile CCTV vehicle.