Report it
If your complaint is about an issue with:
- missed bin collection
- potholes
- roads and paths
- graffiti
- street lighting
- contacting a team or employee of the council
- trees, or
- fly tipping.
You can quickly report an issue and have this fixed by reporting it
Contact the team
Complaining to the team or manager of the service you’re unhappy about, is the quickest way to make a complaint and get a solution. You can do this by contacting them directly or use the contact us page.
If you don’t have contact details for the team or manager, you can call the council’s contact centre on 0345 2000 101; they will either put you through to the team, or take a message.
Customer First Office
This team is impartial from other council services. Their role is to listen to your concerns, issues, or complaints about council services and find a solution for you.
You can contact the Customer First Office any time or call them on 0191 643 2280 Monday to Friday, 9am to 4.30pm – you’ll get a reply within two working days.
The team know council services well and are a great way of getting something fixed quickly. Find out how they can help.
British sign language (BSL) on complaints
This is a BSL video about how to complain to us.