Planning considerations


Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) add further detail to the policies in the Local Plan. They can be used to provide further guidance for development on specific sites, or on particular issues, such as design.

A few of these considerations are listed below;

Highways/parking requirements

LDD12 Transport and Highways supplementary planning document sets out in detail the policies and procedures adopted by North Tyneside Council with regard to the traffic and transport impact of new development, Local Plan policies S7.3 and DM7.4

Additionally, the Cycling Design Guide defines the minimum specification for cycle facilities in North Tyneside, as well as potential additional requirements as appropriate by the developer or the Council.

Related documents

Affordable housing

New housing developments of 11 or more dwellings and a gross internal area of more than 1000m2, will be required to provide affordable housing, this is set out in policy DM4.7 of the Local Plan. The Planning Obligations document gives further detailed guidance on affordable housing.


Applications will be expected to demonstrate a high and consistent design standards as set out in policy DM6.1 of the Local Plan. The Design Quality LDD11 supplementary planning document identifies the main issues that need to be considered.

Find out more about Policy and Design.

Planning obligations and CIL

LDD8 Planning Obligations supplementary planning document.  The SPD is designed to provide guidance relating to the processes North Tyneside

Council intends to follow in assessing whether new development is required to make financial contributions to mitigate impacts, which may arise.  Topic areas have been identified where contributions may be requested. These are not exhaustive and may be extended should circumstances require.

See the Supplementary planning documents section for more information.

Where there are concerns regarding a scheme’s viability in accordance with the Planning Obligations SPD, the Council will request an open book viability assessment.  The Council will discuss with you its approach to reviewing your viability assessment, using a suitably qualified RICS Surveyor, and agree the cost of this review, which is to be covered by the developer.

The Council will require developers to provide a report on the viability position, prepared by an appropriately qualified professional, outlining why they believe that the requested developer contributions cannot be met in full, and explaining what they do believe would be viable. Each report should be accompanied by an un-locked electronic appraisal, in the form of either an HCA Development Appraisal Tool Excel file, or an ARGUS (.CVL) file. All measurements should be in metric format.

Developer contributions are also potentially required through the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) if your proposal is for CIL liable development. For more information about CIL please see

Sustainable Urban Drainage

All new development within North Tyneside Council needs to incorporate Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) within its design. Any submitted scheme will need to here to national and local standards.

The North East LLFAs have agreed a set of regional drainage standards to ensure consistency when reviewing planning applications within the NE region. We have developed 22 standards and a proforma that offers additional guidance when producing drainage statements and flood risk assessments to support planning applications.

See Flooding for further detail 

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