
Cobalt sign

Local Plan timetable approved

A timetable and project plan for a new Local Plan have been approved by North Tyneside Council’s...

A group of children with shovels and spades and saplings in pots in a woodland with a lake behind

School children lend a hand planting hundreds of trees at Killingworth Lakeside Park

Pupils from schools in Killingworth have been helping plant a new mix of tree species to boost...

Waste Disposal Initiative Collects Over 12 Tonnes of Rubbish

A two-day waste disposal initiative has proven to be a resounding success, collecting over 12...

Council Teams Spring into Action for North Shields Cleanup

Dozens of staff from North Tyneside Council have sprung into action to give a North Shields...

Communities in North Tyneside invited to pause, reflect and remember

Residents, businesses and communities are invited to join aCovid Day of Reflection on Friday 7...

Memorial Post-Box unveiled at Preston Cemetery

A special post-box has been unveiled at Preston Cemetery, North Shields, offering a unique way...

North East England unites for major UK real estate conference

For the first time the North East Mayor and all seven local authorities will join forces at...

Work completed on the Coast Road

Work has now been completed, and the speed limit reinstated, on one of North Tyneside’s major...

World Book Day 2025: Hundreds of Free Books on offer for Children in North Tyneside

North Tyneside libraries are giving children free books in exchange for World Book Day tokens to...

A large number of people talking to eachother at an apprenticeship fair

Get Up and Go with our annual Apprenticeship Fair

Hundreds of jobs and training opportunities will be featured at North Tyneside Council during...

Have your say on our services

It's now even easier to get involved with North Tyneside Council and share your views. 


Caption: Staff, volunteers and contractors from Newcastle Dog and Cat Shelter

Community grant to the rescue for new roof and volunteer hub at Newcastle Dog and Cat Shelter

Newcastle Dog and Cat Shelter in Longbenton has a brand new roof on its main admin building, as...

'Bring us your waste and recycling' - council's drive to prevent flytipping

North Tyneside Council is taking action to prevent flytipping with a special two-day initiative...

Adopt North East wins national award for excellence

Adopt North East, the region’s largest adoption agency, has been awarded a prestigious ‘Quality Mark for Excellence’ for its adoption services. 

E-waste recycling trial to become permanent in North Tyneside

A trial to reduce the environmental impact of old electrical items will be made permanent after...

Battle Hill Big Read promotes reading and physical activity

A new initiative is harnessing the power of reading and physical activity to bring residents...

Minister briefed on Council plans to upgrade North Tyneside’s roads

North Tyneside Council showcased its plans to improve the maintenance of local roads during a...

Children continue to receive ‘outstanding’ support in North Tyneside

‘An unwavering commitment to improving and enriching the lives of children and their families...

Work underway on a new roof for Segedunum

Work is well underway to carry out essential works at Segedunum Roman Fort and Museum that will...

Furniture and electrical goods destroyed after failing safety tests

North Tyneside Council’s Trading Standards team has destroyed over 100 pieces of furniture and...

New Years Honours for inspirational Early Years Manager Nichole Garner

Nichole, who has worked for the Council for 39 years, will be honoured with an MBE in 2025 for services to Children and Families.

The Riverside Embankment Walkway seen from above, a series of zigzag footpaths

North Shields Riverside Embankment Walkway opens to the public

North Shields Riverside Embankment Walkway has opened to the public for the first time.


Closure order extended for Wallsend property linked to antisocial behaviour and crime

North Tyneside Council and Northumbria Police have secured a three-month extension to a Closure...

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