Why are we changing the garden waste scheme?
Like most council’s across the country our costs are going up and we are facing some difficult financial challenges.
Reluctantly, the council has taken the decision to introduce an annual charge for the garden waste service.
This has not been an easy decision to take, and the cost will be the lowest across the North East.
If you do not want to use the garden waste service in 2025, you’ll need to find other ways to manage your garden waste. You can:
- take your garden waste to the Household Waste Recycling Centre (tip) for free,
- compost at home, with the option of buying a subsidised composter
- share a garden waste subscription with a friend or neighbour,
- use the council’s ‘special collection’ service where you can get up to six bags of garden waste removed for £10.
How much will the garden waste collection service cost?
The cost will be £30 for 2025 collections, which works out at around £1.67 for each collection.
Do I have to pay for the garden waste collection service?
No, the service is entirely optional.
If you don't want to sign up, then you do not need to do anything. If you have not paid by 30 November 2024, we will no longer collect your brown bin.
If you do not want to use the garden waste service in 2025, you’ll need to find other ways to manage your garden waste. You can:
- take your garden waste to the Household Waste Recycling Centre (tip) for free
- compost at home, with the option of buying a subsidised composter
- share a garden waste subscription with a friend or neighbour
- use our ‘special collection’ service where you can get up to six bags of garden waste removed for £10
Keeping hold of your brown bin is important in case you change your mind and wish to join the scheme later.
How often will garden waste be collected?
We will carry out a maximum of 18 garden waste collections per household from March 2025 to November 2025. There will not be and have never been, collections over the Winter months.
The later you sign up, the fewer collections you will receive. We will empty your garden waste bin once every two weeks, on the dates specified.
How can I sign up?
Once you have received your letter with your unique code, you can pay online or by phone, Monday to Friday between 7:30am and 8pm, Tel. 0345 2000 103.
What can go in the brown garden waste bin?
You can find Information on what can and can't go in your garden waste bin
All garden waste should be put in your brown bin loose, not in bags or wrapped up.
Can I have more than one garden waste bin?
Yes, you can have more than one garden waste bin.
Additional garden waste bins will cost £30, which includes your annual subscription. Once ordered your bin will be delivered within 10 working days.
After we have received your payment, we will send you a sticker to go on the back of your bin below the handle.
My bin has been lost or stolen can I request a replacement?
Yes, you can request a replacement bin. If your bin is lost, stolen or damaged (unless damaged during collection) there will be a £20 charge for a replacement.
After we have received your payment, we will send you a sticker to go on the back of your bin below the handle.
How will you know which houses have subscribed to the garden waste service?
Each subscribing household will receive a tamper proof sticker to fix on the back of each brown bin underneath the handle.
How and when will I get my bin sticker?
After we have received your payment, we will send you an information pack containing a welcome letter, a flyer explaining how to use the service, and a sticker to place on the back of your garden waste bin below the handle.
Information packs containing the stickers will be posted out in early 2025 ready for when the garden waste collections start in March 2025.
Do other council’s also charge for garden waste collections?
Over 70% of all councils now charge residents for garden waste collections. The council’s £30 charge is the lowest across the region.
Will the charge made for replacing a brown bin be refunded if the bin is no longer to be used?
There are no refunds made if the bin is no longer used.
You can cancel your subscription within 14 days of your request. After this period, cancellation and refunds are not permitted.
What will happen if I don’t need my brown bin?
We are asking residents to hold onto their brown bins and for these to be retained at the property. Please keep your garden waste bin at your property in case you decide to subscribe later.
Alternatively, bins make great garden storage units, or they can be used for home composting.
Can I pay online on behalf of other people who don’t have access to the Internet?
Yes, payment for the garden waste service can be made online on behalf of a relative or friend. You’ll need the name of the resident and their address where the garden waste is to be collected.
Do you have more detailed terms and conditions?
Yes, you can view our service terms and conditions for more information
Are any concessionary discounts available?
Sorry, there are no concessionary discounts.
Will the price be reduced if I subscribe halfway through the year ?
No, the price will be the annual charge regardless of when you sign up during the year.
What if I haven’t got a brown bin at my property?
If you do not have a brown bin, you will be given a bin when you sign up. However, please be aware that there are properties with restricted access or some properties that may not be eligible for the service.
Can I put out garden waste in other containers for you to collect?
You can only use the brown bins supplied by the council for garden waste collections. We will not empty any other type of container or take loose garden waste.
Can a subscription be shared?
Yes, you can share a subscription with your neighbour, family member or a friend, as long as all of the garden waste can be collected in the bin.
How will I know what day my garden waste will be collected?
You will receive a calendar of your garden waste collection dates prior to the service starting in March 2025. You will also be able to check online for your collection dates.
What if I move house?
The scheme relates to a collection service from a specified property or household. The service is not transferable either within or outside of North Tyneside. The payment is for the collection service at the named property. There is no refund if you move out of the area, or if you move to a new property within the area.
Won’t fly tipping increase?
Fly tipping garden waste is a criminal offence. Other councils who have introduced similar garden waste schemes have not reported a significant increase in fly-tipping. Garden waste can be deposited free of charge at the Household Waste Recycling Centre or composted at home.
What happens to the garden waste collected in the brown bin?
The waste is moved to the Waste Transfer Station located in North Shields, where it is stored before being loaded onto larger vehicles and taken to a composting site in Ellington, Northumberland.
Here the garden waste is turned into compost and then used as a nutrient rich soil improver in the horticultural and agriculture industry.
We do not receive a fee for garden waste; it costs us to process and dispose of the garden waste.
Do you promote home composting?
Yes, composting is an inexpensive, natural process that transforms your kitchen and garden waste into a valuable and nutrient rich food for your garden. It's easy to make and use.
You can find advice on home composting and how to buy a discounted home composter.
Will additional appointments be available at the Household Waste Recycling Centre (the Tip) to deal with increased demand?
We will continue to monitor use of the Household Waste Recycling Centre ensuring this meets everyone’s needs.
Is the charge for the garden waste service per bin or per household?
The £30 charge is per bin, which includes your annual subscription.
Why is garden waste not collected over the winter months?
Garden waste is not collected during the winter months as the brown bin content can freeze making the bins harder to fully empty. Additionally, the take up over the winter is often lower so running the collection service is not cost effective.