Disclosure log


The disclosure log displays replies to requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act and the Environmental Information Regulations.

Recently published disclosures

FOI-5332 Government Schemes for Refugee Funding
FOI-1798 WhatsApp Policy
FOI-4882 Christmas Lights
FOI-3701 Election Results
EIR-3372 Acoustic Report for Backworth Primary School
FOI-3020 Grants Made To The Voluntary Sector
FOI-3533 Staff Contact Details
FOI-3313 Public Toilets
FOI-3123 Council Budget
FOI-3121 Dog Fouling
FOI-3197 Equality and Diversity
EIR-3041 Tree Planting
FOI-1586 Safety Valve
FOI-1765 Funding Pay Gap
FOI-1795 Housing Disrepair Claims
FOI-1816 Council Tax
FOI-1736 Temporary Accommodation Providers
FOI-1748 Children's Services Staffing
FOI-1779 Access Officer(s)
FOI-1750 Childrens Services Agency Spend
FOI-1663 Condition and Expenditure on Infrastructure
FOI-1817 Temporary Recruitment
FOI-1697 Disabled Facilities Grant
FOI-1771 Parking Change Notice Challenges
FOI-1665 Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC)
FOI-1809 Employees with Criminal Convictions
FOI-1793 Fines Issued For The Illegal Sale of Vaping Products to Under-18s
FOI-1685 Temporary Accommodation
FOI-1709 Staff Diversity
FOI-1657 EHCPs
FOI-1722 Sale Of Newsteads Drive, Whitley Bay
FOI-1728 Speed Camera Fines
FOI-1465 Energy Consumption Expediture
FOI-1696 Youth Centres
FOI-1465 Energy Consumption Expediture
FOI-1731 Taxi Licensing
FOI-1648 Support and Advice for Council Tenants
FOI-1630 Security Guard Expenditure
FOI-152 Speed Survey at Park View, Whitley Bay
FOI-1692 Library Books
EIR-1666 Electric Vehicle Charging
FOI-1708 Business Rates Marden High School
FOI-1704 Christmas Lights
FOI-1702 Transit Sites for Gypsies and Travellers
FOI-1695 Council Office Spaces Abroad
FOI-1647 Bridging Accommodation For Afghan Citizens
FOI-1682 Elective Home Education
FOI-1635 Artificial Intelligence
FOI-1491 Challenges To Books In Libraries
FOI-108 Natasha's Law

Freedom of information requests concerning IT Security, infrastructure, and cyber attacks

We are frequently asked for information about our IT infrastructure, systems, and security issues, including what systems we have in place, the suppliers, and versions.

We are asked how often we update and amend our security, if we have identified any vulnerabilities and what we have done to strengthen any weaknesses.

The Authority has considered these issues carefully and we have decided we do not release information that would fall under this category of data. This is because we consider it is exempt under section 31 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

You have the right to a review of the Authority decision; however, the Authority last reviewed its position in February 2025. The Authority will review this position annually.

Related documents

Freedom of information requests concerning Taxi and Hackney Carriages

We are often asked for information relating to hackney carriages and private hire vehicles registered with the Authority.

The Authority has considered these questions carefully and is withholding this information. This is because it considers it exempt under section 12, section 21, and section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act. You have the right to a review of the Authority decision; however, the Authority last reviewed its position in November 2024. The Authority will review this position annually.

Related documents

Freedom of information requests concerning HMOs

We are frequently asked for information relating to houses of multiple occupancy registered with the Authority.

The Authority has considered these questions carefully and is withholding this information. This is because it considers it exempt under section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act. You have the right to a review of the Authority decision; however, the Authority last reviewed its position in December 2024. The Authority will review this position annually.

Related documents

Freedom of information requests concerning staff contacts

We are frequently asked for information relating to the direct contact of staff for specific services.

The Authority has considered these requests carefully and is withholding this information. This is because it considers it exempt under section 36(2) of the Freedom of Information Act.

You have the right to a review of the Authority decision; however, the Authority last reviewed its position in March 2024. The Authority will review this position annually.

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