
Recently published disclosures

FOI-1251 Borough Road Footbridge
FOI-1133 Borough Road Footbridge
FOI-249 Standards Committee Investigations
FOI-287 Anti-Social Behaviour
CTV cameras made by Hikvision, Dahua, Uniview or Kedacom
landlords prosecuted by the council
Parking fines
admission to prison for Council Tax non-payment
Penalty Charge Notices (PCN)
Reports of drug dealing and misuse have been received
Traffic warden assaults
Private sector rented enforcement action
Enforcement against private rented sector
Prosecutions of Private Landlords
Dog warden costs and revenue from fines
Council bins and fines for littering
Fixed penalty noices for dog fouling
Fly tipping, littering and dog fouling offences and revenue
provisional Tree Protection Order (TPO) at 1 Holywell Ave
Fixed penalty notices for fly tipping
private rented sector enforcement
Private rented sector penalties
Temporary event notices
littering fixed penalty notices
Counil spend on legal fees regarding special educational needs
Energy companies owned by the Local Authority
Guidance on deqaling with members enquiries
Parking tickets were issued to the vehicle that infringed parking regulations in the borough on the most occasions
Fleet vehicles
Littering fines and prosecutions
Hospitality venues fined due to covid breaches
Community Protection Notices (CPNs) and Community Protection Warnings (CPWs) issued
Complaint of alleged workplace covid-19 violations between 23/3/2020 to 20/1/2021
Land Charges claims
Penalty Notices for Non School Attendance
Blue badge investigations
Anti-Social Behaviour, hate crime or believed hate crime
FOI2154 Legal cost and claims
Community Protection Notices
Public Space Protection Orders
FOI1876 Information Governance Department
FOI1685 - Fixed Penalty Notices - Dog Fouling
FOI1760 - Section 204 HA 96
FOI1818 - Complaints
FOI1891 - Compromise Agreements
FOI1130 Legal expenditures
FOI1230 Legal Framework/Strategy
FOI1260 Sales and leases of Council owned land,
FOI0366 Localism Act 2011
RFI 1708115 Community Protection Notices