
Recently published disclosures

FOI-3701 Election Results
FOI-1771 Parking Change Notice Challenges
FOI-1102 Members Enquiries
FOI-786 Complaints
FOI-642 Mayor Expenses
FOI-572 Mayor and Councillor Expenses
FOI-613 Voter Authority Certificates
FOI-595 Members' Allowances
FOI-368 Elected Mayor
EIR-437 Lobbying For Climate Action And Funding
FOI-466 Voter Authority Certificates
FOI-248 Civic Car
FOI-322 Londis Digitial Advertising Board
FOI-230 Enquiries To Councillors
FOI-313 Allyship Scheme for Equality Diversity and Inclusion
FOI-329 Procedure To Employ The CEO
Members enquiry figures
Climate Emergency
Councillors allowances
Members enquiries numbers Preston Ward
Policies relating to Councillors
29/09/20 Planning Committee documents and emails
Member enquiry numbers
Guidance and Legislation relating to Council/Planning Committee decisions
Kings school merger
Costs incurred by the Council for car and chauffeur serves for the leader of the Council, Council Cabinet and the Chief Executive
Traffic Regulation Orders and how the are recorded
Variation Order on waiting restrictions
North Tyneside Council
Public consultations
Register of Interest
Association of North East Councils Ltd (ANEC Ltd)
FOI2077 FOI and SAR
FOI1798 - Policies, procedure or guidance which you issue to staff in
FOI1745 Minutes for the R&R Committee
FOI1671 Abuse against councillors
FOI1556 Time restrictions for speakers at committee meetings
FOI1455 EU27 citizens resident on electoral register
FOI1394 Breakdown of the results of the local elections in North Tyneside held on 2 May 2019
RFI 1708111 Council Meetings
RFI 1709011 Serving Councillors with Council Tax arrears
RFI 1708096 Council Meetings regarding Information Recording Method
RFI 1707087 Member's enquiries
RFI 1708010 Organised Crime Procurement Pilots:
RFI 1706037 - Reception and Year 6 place applications