Information and Communication Technology

Recently published disclosures

FOI-1798 WhatsApp Policy
FOI-1635 Artificial Intelligence
FOI-917 IT Contracts and Hardware
FOI-80 Software Solutions and Contracts
FOI-74 On-site scanning
FOI-105 React Contract
FOI-432 Complaints
FOI-425 Mobile Phone Contract
FOI-217 Urgent Housing Repair Calls
School software
CTV cameras made by Hikvision, Dahua, Uniview or Kedacom
malicious emails sent to the council.
Council apps and chatbots
how IT is measured in councils from business point of view
ransomware incidents
electronic signing tool
Council Software
FOI4135 Corporate software applications
Financial Management/ERP system
Learning Management System and e-learning provision
user engagement and your use of open source and open standards for your digital services
Cookies and website design
Children's Social Care case management system
Childrens Social Care Case Management System
electronics equipment manufactured by Hikvision (Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co.Ltd
Software applications
Cloud strategy
Use of Windows XP or Windows 7
mobile devices
Devices in the community
Housing software
Tendering portal
Photocopiers and MFD Equipment
ICT strategy and business plans
Agreements the Council have with Telecommunications Operators for apparatus
Council's network infrastructure
Data analytics, predictive analytics and artificial intelligence systems
Online forms
Software Systems are currently used by the Council for Planning, Land Charges, Building Control, Trading Standards, Licensing, Environmental Health and ASB
Spend on printing
chief digital officer or digital director (or equivalent job title responsible for overseeing the organisation's digital transformation)?
Telecare/Assistive Technology/Technology Enabled Care to your residents
multi-channel communication solution in your contact centre
Algorithms and/or artificial intelligence software
Use of algorithms, predictive tools and AI by your council in relation to housing.
NTC network and cyber security
IT training and development
Local area network contract
Invoicing system