Planning and Building Control

Recently published disclosures

FOI-618 Exempt Accommodation Providers
EIR-907 Planning Applications
EIR-819 Telecom Communications Masts
FOI-783 Affordable Housing
EIR-829 Policy S4.2(b) (Ensuring a Sufficient Supply of Housing Land)
FOI-772 Housing Developments
FOI-782 Historical Or Cultural Landmarks
EIR-645 Live Compulsory Purchase Orders
EIR-715 Local Plan Policies Map
FOI-631 Serviced Accommodation Planning Requirements
FOI-600 Nationally Described Space Standard
EIR-511 Sale of Land Newsteads Drive
EIR-438 Council House EPC Ratings and MEES Enforcement
EIR-439 Council Electricity Tariffs and Renewable Electricity Generation
FOI-323 Allards Planning Permission
FOI-322 Londis Digitial Advertising Board
FOI-324 Impact Assessment Prior To Changing Street Lighting
FOI-342 Bungalow Properties and Community Groups
FOI-331 Preston Playing Fields
FOI-347 Costings of Blocking up Borough Road Footbridge
FOI-131 Section 106 Agreements
FOI-98 Planning Application 21/02183/ADV - Car Park Tariffs
EIR4754 Local Plan
EIR4699 Planning application fees
Local Plan and flood-zones
joint S117 policy
Climate Emergency
appeals against planning applications
Diversions and stopping up of public rights of way
Sea Scout Hut
planning application 19/01438/FUL Land adjacent to Westholme Farm Social Club Mullen Road Wallsend Tyne & Wear
applications for planning permission
Biodiversity Net Gain for small developments
Planning applications Somals Premier
Planning deartment information
21/01272/TELGDO Proposed 15-metre Phase 8 Monopole
Seafront cycle lane plans
provisional Tree Protection Order (TPO) at 1 Holywell Ave
29/09/20 Planning Committee documents and emails
Planning measurements
Sea Scout Hut at Tynemouth
Section 106 Contributions
Finances in relation to section 106 agreements
Planning applications for 24A front Street, then 10A Walton Avenue and now classified as 10 Walton Avenue
Total value of section 106 agreements
removal / felling of trees
S106 contributions and other developer contributions
New development Station Road Wallsend
Property change of use applications from Class A or Class B
asbestos in Valley Gardens Middle School