Leisure and Culture

Recently published disclosures

FOI-4882 Christmas Lights
FOI-1692 Library Books
FOI-1704 Christmas Lights
FOI-1491 Challenges To Books In Libraries
FOI-1373 Artworks
FOI-801 Vegan Catering
FOI-799 Art Installations
EIR-867 Allotments
FOI-788 Diversity and Inclusion
EIR-756 Hand Gathering in Intertidal Areas
FOI-782 Historical Or Cultural Landmarks
FOI-570 Advertising Programmes
FOI-405 Race In The Built Environment
FOI-323 Allards Planning Permission
FOI-342 Bungalow Properties and Community Groups
FOI-331 Preston Playing Fields
FOI-362 Warm Banks
FOI-239 Play Parks
FOI-292 Christmas Light Funding
FOI-200 Tynemouth Pool
FOI-277 Christmas Street Lights
FOI4486 Libraries
Berkely Tavern Asset of Community Value
Forest Hall Library Asset of Community Value
Council spend of Floral Displays and Floral Units
Community Information Directory
Nature reserves and wildlife sites
glass house tea room in Northumberland park
Childrens playgrounds
children’s playgrounds were managed by the council
Library numbers
Asbestos at Waves leisure centre
Play park repairs
Library membership numbers
Cycling infrastructure
Gym Fitness Equipment
Reduction and closure of public library services
Meetings and members enquiries of Lewis Bartoli in relation to Tynemouth Library
Public toilet fees
Public toilet fees
Library fines
Statue, monument or public effigy that the council has removed
removal / felling of trees
risk assessment of street light Xmas decorations
Mowing regime and wild flowers weed control
Blue badge, Disabled bays and parking enforement
parking enforcement and appeals
Number of incidents of Graffiti recorded and the amount that this council have spent on Graffiti Removal
List of sites the council has available for tree planting, and how much money they have set aside for this purpose