Highways and Transport

Recently published disclosures

FOI-3123 Council Budget
FOI-1771 Parking Change Notice Challenges
FOI-1728 Speed Camera Fines
FOI-1731 Taxi Licensing
EIR-1666 Electric Vehicle Charging
FOI-152 Speed Survey at Park View, Whitley Bay
EIR-1277 Cycle Schemes
EIR-941 Highways Maintainable at Public Expense
FOI-950 Penalty Charge Notices
EIR-918 On-Street Residential Charge Points
FOI-886 Penalty Charge Notices
FOI-958 Low Traffic Neighbourhoods
EIR-947 Potholes
FOI-902 Penalty Charge Notices
FOI-898 Penalty Charge Notices
FOI-775 20mph Zones
EIR-807 Electric Vehicles
FOI-785 Public Transportation Policy
FOI-789 Active Transportation
EIR-729 Potholes
FOI-653 Potholes
EIR-662 Potholes
FOI-730 Penalty Charge Notices
FOI-736 Parking Policy
FOI-730 Penalty Charge Notices
FOI-418 Enforcement Activities
EIR-492 Dropped Kerbs
EIR-468 Potholes
FOI-676 Parking Tickets
FOI-684 Electric Taxis
FOI-454 Public Transport Budget and Spend
EIR-470 Climate Change Action Scorecard Commitment to 20mph Speed Limit on Restricted Roads
EIR-372 Highways Repairs
EIR-436 High Carbon Infrastructure and Fossil Fuel Extraction Planning
EIR-488 Potholes
EIR-422 Parking Permit Zones
EIR-498 Air Quality in the Tyne Tunnel
FOI-486 Fixed Penalty Notices for Parking in Disabled Bays
EIR-384 Income from Traffic and Parking Violations
FOI-363 Road Bridges
FOI-378 Private Hire and Taxi Vehicles
FOI-278 Rake Lane Roundabout Funding From Active Travel Fund
FOI-387 Penalty Charge Notices
FOI-351 Penalty Charge Notices
FOI-262 Sweeping on Rake Lane and A191/New York Bypass
FOI-347 Costings of Blocking up Borough Road Footbridge
EIR-122 Highway Licences/Permits
EIR-311 Car Parking
EIR-112 Potholes