Disclosure log


The disclosure log displays replies to requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act and the Environmental Information Regulations.

Recently published disclosures

Looked after children
Antisocial behaviour Backworth Court - Public Right of Way Closure request
Looked after children
Traffic calming measures
tranche 1 funding aimed primarily at cycle travel
Parking fines
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system
Council’s Digital Strategy
Traded services to schools
Traffic Regulation Orders and how the are recorded
Benefit systems
Fly tipping
SECURITY / CYBERSECURITY: SEIM (Security Event and Incident Management)
List of sites the council has available for tree planting, and how much money they have set aside for this purpose
children referred to local authority
Safeguarding Children
Information Governance department and systems
school admissions to Wellfield Middle School in the school year of 2019/20 for year 5.
Pet dogs and cats of people admitted to hospital or who died, were taken into care by the Local Authority or were arranged by the Local Authority to be taken into care
Register, directory, database or any other list of Complementary and Alternative medicines (CAM) practitioners
Information regarding supported living services for adults with learning disabilities (LD,) mental health (MH) and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).
Floating Support services
commissions or funds an information, advice and guidance service specifically for Deaf residents, in British Sign Language (BSL)
Health visitor courses regarding parenting skills
Interpretation, translation and British sign language services being used
Number of employees and staff deceased from Covid-19 and isolation
Non-domestic rates
Winter Gritting of roads
Number on Roll (NOR) data from the Spring 2020 School Census
Spend on consultancies about all types of re-organisation - for example, combined authority re-organisation or unitarisation
Staff furloughed between 1 March to 20 September 2020
geographical investigation into factors affecting the rates of coronavirus
Costs of postal services
Electric vehicle charging points
speed survey data of Station Road, Forest Hall/Benton (B1317)? The survey was conducted in August/September 20.
Electric Vehicle charging points
Electric vehicle charging points
Applications for support - legally homeless
Numbers of young people ceasing to be looked after by North Tyneside Council
qualified social workers were working on a temporary (agency) basis
The number of voids/empty beds in care homes
How many households have you arranged accommodation for outside of your district / borough in the last four quarters (ie from the quarter starting July 1 2019 to the quarter ending June 30 2020)
Contact details of Licensing Manager that is responsible for Animal / Dog licensing
The number of members of staff employed by NTC to deal with noise pollution complaints as of September 2020
adults (ages 18-64) with learning disabilities in long term care
children on an education, health and care plan (EHCP)
The extent to which tackling food poverty/insecurity is embedded in what the council does
Cost of home care
Direct Payments

Freedom of information requests concerning IT Security, infrastructure, and cyber attacks

We are frequently asked for information about our IT infrastructure, systems, and security issues, including what systems we have in place, the suppliers, and versions.

We are asked how often we update and amend our security, if we have identified any vulnerabilities and what we have done to strengthen any weaknesses.

The Authority has considered these issues carefully and we have decided we do not release information that would fall under this category of data. This is because we consider it is exempt under section 31 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

You have the right to a review of the Authority decision; however, the Authority last reviewed its position in June 2024. The Authority will review this position annually.

Related documents

Freedom of information requests concerning Taxi and Hackney Carriages

We are often asked for information relating to hackney carriages and private hire vehicles registered with the Authority.

The Authority has considered these questions carefully and is withholding this information. This is because it considers it exempt under section 12, section 21, and section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act. You have the right to a review of the Authority decision; however, the Authority last reviewed its position in November 2024. The Authority will review this position annually.

Related documents

Freedom of information requests concerning HMOs

We are frequently asked for information relating to houses of multiple occupancy registered with the Authority.

The Authority has considered these questions carefully and is withholding this information. This is because it considers it exempt under section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act. You have the right to a review of the Authority decision; however, the Authority last reviewed its position in December 2024. The Authority will review this position annually.

Related documents

Freedom of information requests concerning staff contacts

We are frequently asked for information relating to the direct contact of staff for specific services.

The Authority has considered these requests carefully and is withholding this information. This is because it considers it exempt under section 36(2) of the Freedom of Information Act.

You have the right to a review of the Authority decision; however, the Authority last reviewed its position in March 2024. The Authority will review this position annually.

Related documents