Disclosure log


The disclosure log displays replies to requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act and the Environmental Information Regulations.

Recently published disclosures

EIR2409 Pollution prevention and control notices
FOI2140 Sport and Leisure budgets
Complaints made by neighbours
Public consultations
FOI1951 Energy efficiency improvements
General Data Protection Regulation
Register of Interest
Expenditure on public outdoor play facilities
FOI2175 fair access protocol
Public Space Protection Orders
Council owned vehicles
Average weekly fees paid to care homes
Association of North East Councils Ltd (ANEC Ltd)
FOI 1963 G Cloud in the Public Sector.
FOI 2026 Xmas Lights
FOI 2027 Home Education
FOI 2065 Rubbish removal
Care leavers
FOI2136 Cost of operating the Taxi and Private Hire licensing regime
FOI2158 Tree or Arboricultural
FOI2207 Horticultural practices
FOI2134 Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs)
FOI2201 Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015
Impact of climate change
FOI2145 Audio Visual (AV) and Video Conferencing (VC)
Grass mowing
FOI2152 Permitted Development
FOI2153 Potholes
FOI2123 Rough Sleepers
FOI2151 Procurement of First Aid Training
FOI2124 Authority Care and Reablement Services
FOI2126 Children on a care order under s.31 Children Act 1989
FOI2129 IT Tenders
FOI2132 Social Care needs assessment
FOI2135 Potholes
FOI2144 Football activities
FOI2102 Gull Control
FOI2099 LAN Contract
FOI2103 Housng Benefits Service
FOI2108 WAN contract sites
FOI2092 Hazardous Chemicals
FOI1890 S.31 care proceedings
FOI2028 Looked After Children
FOI2077 FOI and SAR
FOI1582 Looked After Children
FOI2087 Temporary accommodation and pregnancy
FOI1620 Unregulated social care placements
FOI2031 Domiciliary care services

Freedom of information requests concerning IT Security, infrastructure, and cyber attacks

We are frequently asked for information about our IT infrastructure, systems, and security issues, including what systems we have in place, the suppliers, and versions.

We are asked how often we update and amend our security, if we have identified any vulnerabilities and what we have done to strengthen any weaknesses.

The Authority has considered these issues carefully and we have decided we do not release information that would fall under this category of data. This is because we consider it is exempt under section 31 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

You have the right to a review of the Authority decision; however, the Authority last reviewed its position in February 2025. The Authority will review this position annually.

Related documents

Freedom of information requests concerning Taxi and Hackney Carriages

We are often asked for information relating to hackney carriages and private hire vehicles registered with the Authority.

The Authority has considered these questions carefully and is withholding this information. This is because it considers it exempt under section 12, section 21, and section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act. You have the right to a review of the Authority decision; however, the Authority last reviewed its position in November 2024. The Authority will review this position annually.

Related documents

Freedom of information requests concerning HMOs

We are frequently asked for information relating to houses of multiple occupancy registered with the Authority.

The Authority has considered these questions carefully and is withholding this information. This is because it considers it exempt under section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act. You have the right to a review of the Authority decision; however, the Authority last reviewed its position in December 2024. The Authority will review this position annually.

Related documents

Freedom of information requests concerning staff contacts

We are frequently asked for information relating to the direct contact of staff for specific services.

The Authority has considered these requests carefully and is withholding this information. This is because it considers it exempt under section 36(2) of the Freedom of Information Act.

You have the right to a review of the Authority decision; however, the Authority last reviewed its position in March 2024. The Authority will review this position annually.

Related documents