Disclosure log


The disclosure log displays replies to requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act and the Environmental Information Regulations.

Recently published disclosures

FOI1282 Residential Care
FOI1195 ANPR cameras at household waste sites
FOI0329 Supported Living
FOI0986 LOBO Loans
FOI1133 Right to Buy by tenants in receipt of Housing Benefit
FOI1203 Disabled Facilities Grants
FOI1227 Flat entrance fire doors
FOI1231 Children’s Social Workers
FOI1244 Telephone maintenance contract.
FOI1245 Millfield and Bywell Grove Estate maintenance contract
FOI1255 Business Property Rates
FOI1256 Planning permission rejections,
FOI1257 In-house domiciliary care service
FOI1259 North Tyneside companies that have Thermal Oxidisers
FOI1263 Balkwell Green repairs
FOI1266 Small Business Rates
FOI1184 Pothole Repair Wiltshire Drive
FOI1196 PCN part payment options
FOI1077 Fixed CCTV cameras
FOI1092 Primary, infanct and Junior school oversubscribed or not-oversubscribed on national offer day 2019
FOI1135 Home schooling
FOI1186 List of all council nurseries
FOI0930 Animal Boarding
FOI1139 Deferred Payment Agreements
FOI0876 5G Strategy
FOI1223 Contaminated land
FOI1232 Airport Taxis
FOI1242 Council purchased dwellings for providing temporary accommodation
FOI1247 Business rates
FOI1248 Housing Management Software
FOI1253 Accrued NNDR
FOI1027 Compost
FOI1108 High Needs block
FOI1197 Exotic, Dangerous or Wild Animals Licenses
FOI1200 Private water supplies
FOI1179 Safety and security of parliamentary and local candidates
FOI0740 Spend on aids and adaptations
FOI1178 Road Safety Speed limits
FOI1059 Penalty Charge Notices
FOI1109 Capital spending on Brexit
FOI1123 Cost of road maintenance and repairs
FOI1160 Planning applications to convert offices to residential use.
FOI1165 Money awarded to the Trade Union Unison.
FOI1173 Public relations and marketing budget
FOI1176 Violent incidents
FOI1241 Enterprise Zone business rates
FOI1119 Non fire retardant cladding
FOI1088 Herbicides

Freedom of information requests concerning IT Security, infrastructure, and cyber attacks

We are frequently asked for information about our IT infrastructure, systems, and security issues, including what systems we have in place, the suppliers, and versions.

We are asked how often we update and amend our security, if we have identified any vulnerabilities and what we have done to strengthen any weaknesses.

The Authority has considered these issues carefully and we have decided we do not release information that would fall under this category of data. This is because we consider it is exempt under section 31 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

You have the right to a review of the Authority decision; however, the Authority last reviewed its position in February 2025. The Authority will review this position annually.

Related documents

Freedom of information requests concerning Taxi and Hackney Carriages

We are often asked for information relating to hackney carriages and private hire vehicles registered with the Authority.

The Authority has considered these questions carefully and is withholding this information. This is because it considers it exempt under section 12, section 21, and section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act. You have the right to a review of the Authority decision; however, the Authority last reviewed its position in November 2024. The Authority will review this position annually.

Related documents

Freedom of information requests concerning HMOs

We are frequently asked for information relating to houses of multiple occupancy registered with the Authority.

The Authority has considered these questions carefully and is withholding this information. This is because it considers it exempt under section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act. You have the right to a review of the Authority decision; however, the Authority last reviewed its position in December 2024. The Authority will review this position annually.

Related documents

Freedom of information requests concerning staff contacts

We are frequently asked for information relating to the direct contact of staff for specific services.

The Authority has considered these requests carefully and is withholding this information. This is because it considers it exempt under section 36(2) of the Freedom of Information Act.

You have the right to a review of the Authority decision; however, the Authority last reviewed its position in March 2024. The Authority will review this position annually.

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