Highways and Transport

Recently published disclosures

FOI1750 - Road Markings
FOI1732 Red Routes
FOI1697 Blue Sign Garage (now BP Garage) on the A1058
FOI1699 Private parking companies operating on council land
FOI1622 Refurbishment Study
FOI1608 Street Works
EIR1609 Historic England Reports
FOI1420 Road vehicles
FOI1475 Major Highways Projects
FOI1562 Borough Road Footbridge
FOI1595 Responsible Officer for road safety
FOI1538 Pedestrian crossings
FOI1570 Fleet Management
FOI1539 Kerbside drain cleaning
FOI1558 Dropped kerb
FOI1488 Fines for overrun streetworks
EIR1433 Air Pollution at A1058
FOI1408 Blue Badge parking spaces
FOI1272 Road resurfacing at Tynnmouth Ward
FOI1399 Senior officer responsible for Highways
FOI1378 Parking enforcment process
FOI1121 Links Road Project Whitley Bay
FOI1202 Parking fines in the LB1 Permit Zone
FOI1188 Road Maintenance
FOI1324 Borough Road Bridge
FOI1273 Business miles travelled by council employees using their own car (greyfleet)
FOI1293 Lynn Road Temporary Bus Lane
FOI1279 Unsuccessful applications to rename/name streets
FOI1233 Land Train
RFI 1709021 Potholes and Repairs
RFI 1708042 Civil Enforcement Officers
RFI 1708102 High Flatworth Bus Lane
RFI 1707027 - Noticing of street works at 16-20 Hampton Road
RFI 1706045 - Parking Officers
RFI 1706046 - A19 Roadworks
RFI 1706047 - Street work Permits for Telecommunications Companies
RFI 1707004 - Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) issued for driving or parking in designated cycle lanes
RFI 1706024 Lynn Road bus lane camera
RFI 1706031 cash-accepting car park ticket machines,
RFI 1706034 Parking ticket appeals
RFI 1705049 Potholes
RFI 1705068 Station road North Wallsend
RFI 1705072 Council's fleet
RFI 1705081 Expanding the rail network
RFI 1705008 Ash trees