'Think big' with latest adult learning prospectus
Learning new skills in North Tyneside has never been easier, with a flurry of courses...

Putting the borough's care and support in one place
An exciting new website is launching to help residents find advice and information about care...
Latest tours showcase Spanish City progress
Groups of residents were given a peek behind the scenes at the progress being made to...

Norham Road Bridge demolition this weekend
Norham Road Bridge is to be demolished this weekend (1- 3 July).
It is part of the third...

Red hot summer offer at Contours
North Tyneside Council’s leisure centres are celebrating the start of summer with a great...

Full line-up announced for Mouth of the Tyne Festival
The full line-up has been announced for this year’s Mouth of the Tyne Festival in Tynemouth (6-9...

What makes North Tyneside special?
North Tyneside Council is inviting the public to let it know about a building or park that they...

Wallsend ready for festival fun
The popular Wallsend Festival returns at the weekend with a free and fun-packed programme....

Important changes at the North Shields Household Waste Recycling Centre
North Tyneside Council will make a number of changes at its Household Waste Recycling Centre (...

Take a walk with Hadrian Leisure Centre
With summer fast approaching, a North Tyneside leisure centre will be launching a new weekly...

Working Roots trainees are the toast of North Tyneside
A training partnership which has helped to transform dozens of young people’s lives in North...

A1056 Sandy Lane overnight closures 19 – 23 June 2017
As the A1056 road improvement scheme nears completion, there is one last parcel of outstanding...

Council's community safety champion stands down after 44 years on the job
A TOP enforcement officer who helped make North Tyneside one of the safest boroughs in England...

'Good' rating for North Tyneside's Children's Services
North Tyneside Council has been placed among the top ten of children’s service departments...

Health check pilot scheme for Metro passengers
Metro passengers are being offered on the spot health checks for people in their 40s as part of...

Last chance to enter blossoming competition
Green-fingered residents have under a week to enter into North Tyneside’s premier gardening...

MPs elected to represent North Tyneside and Tynemouth
North Tyneside residents have elected Mary Glindon and Alan Campbell as Members of the UK Parliament to represent the North Tyneside and Tynemouth constituencies, respectively.
Festival to showcase borough's brightest young musicians
Wristbands are now on sale to see some of North Tyneside’s youngest and brightest musicians....

Resource pack to highlight mental health
A resource pack aiming to promote positive mental health in North Tyneside’s young people was...

Half-term set to be full of fun
This May half-term is set to be full of fun as North Tyneside leisure centres prepare to make a...

Blue flags fly high in North Tyneside
North Tyneside has once again scooped the most awards for its beautiful beaches than any other...

St Mary's Lighthouse 'back the bid' campaign launched
A new campaign is calling on residents and visitors to St Mary’s Lighthouse to ‘back the bid’...

Green light for North Tyneside Local Plan
North Tyneside’s Local Plan has been given the green light by a Government Inspector.
Earn top marks with 'outstanding' teacher training programme
North Tyneside Council's primary teacher training programme, SCITT, is searching for its next...

Norham Road Bridge to be reconstructed in phase three of Coast Road improvements
An improved plan for the demolition and reconstruction of Norham Road Bridge will result in less...
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